How to Bill for an Encounter in Accuro

How to Bill for an Encounter in Accuro

From Your Day Sheet

1. Right-click on the line you wish to bill.

  1. Choose View Bill.

  1. Enter your billing notes directly in the Pcode and Dcode fields eg. A007 Dx 461.

To Add a Second Code

  • Note: if the Insurer says UHIP start your billing with UH – eg UHA007, UHG010.

  1. For any additional billing instructions, enter in the Internal Notes text box.

  2. Billing staff will monitor and bill accordingly when they are validating billing

From the Encounter Notes

Billing is covered in the Training Video MD/Nursing Part B (July 29 PM, minutes 2:27-4:15)

  1. Right click on the appointment on the left side of the screen – choose CLAIM DETAILS. DO NOT CHOOSE NEW BILL.

  2. Enter your billing notes directly in the Pcode and Dcode fields eg. A007 Dx 461.

  3. To add a second code, press the green plus.

    1. Note: if the Insurer says UHIP start your billing with UH – eg UHA007, UHG010.

  4. For any additional billing instructions, enter in the Internal Notes text box. Billing staff will monitor and bill accordingly when they are validating billing
