Same Day Counselling
Lance Chase
Go to and click the Customize button at the far right.
Click Request type groups.
Click General.
Click Add request type.
Choose Same Day Counselling Request. That request type will now be shown on the page.
Click the Customize button to close the customize area.
Go to and click the Customize button at the far right.
Click Request type groups.
Click General.
Click and drag the Same Day Counselling Request request type to the left of the Customize button. A grey area will appear with a recycling icon where you can drop the request type to remove it.
The request type will no longer appear on the page and students cannot access it.
You will need to decide who will take on specific tickets.
Go to to view the tickets.
Assign one or more tickets to yourself so others know who is doing which ones.
Open one of your assigned tickets.
Change the status of the ticket to In Progress so others know it is being worked on.
Review the contents of the ticket.
If the limit has been reached for today
Use the Close the Portal instructions above to remove the request type from the web page so no more submissions can be made.
Change the status of the ticket to LIMIT REACHED and an email will automatically be sent to the student informing them that there are no more appointments available for today.
Nothing more needs to be done with this ticket and it will be automatically removed from your queue. Open and work on another ticket if one exists.
If the student has returned too soon
Open Accuro and check the last time the student had a same day appointment.
If it has been within 3 weeks, they do not qualify to have another one yet.
Change the status of the ticket to RETURNED TOO SOON and an email will automatically be sent to the student informing them that they must wait until 3 weeks have passed before they can book another same day appointment.
Nothing more needs to be done with this ticket and it will be automatically removed from your queue. Open and work on another ticket if one exists.
If there is no answer when you call the student
If you have tried X times to call the student and are unable to reach them, change the status of the ticket to NO ANSWER and an email will automatically be sent to the student informing them that you tried to reach them but were unsuccessful and if they still want an appointment they need to call us right away.
Nothing more needs to be done with this ticket and it will be automatically removed from your queue. Open and work on another ticket if one exists.
If no obstacles exist (e.g., limit has not been reached, student is not too soon, and you have successfully connected with the student by phone)
Open Accuro and book the appointment for the student.
Go back to the ticket and fill in the Details area on the right with the following:
Appointment Type
Appointment Time
Counsellor (enter their name)
Once the appointment is set and the information is added to Details, you can change the status to DONE and an email will automatically be sent to the student informing them that their appointment has been booked and will include the details of the appointment that you entered in the Details area (i.e., appointment type, time, and name of counsellor).
Nothing more needs to be done with this ticket and it will be automatically removed from your queue. Open and work on another ticket if one exists.
If the current announcement needs to be edited or removed or a new one needs to be added, please submit a ticket to the Tech Team with details and they will make those changes.