Download Faxes in Accuro

Download Faxes in Accuro

  1. Launch Accuro and login.

  2. Switch to the office that you’re going to download the faxes for (e.g., Counselling Services, Health Services, Specialized Care).

  3. Go to the Documents area.

  4. Click the blue download button (near the bottom) to download faxes.

  5. In the window that opens, use the Login user drop-down menu to choose the correct fax number and office.

  6. Then choose Last used Directory for each Login and navigate to S:\[appropriate folder] where the appropriate folder is either:

    1. Counselling-Services-and-Specialized-Care-Faxes (used for both of those offices)

    2. Health-Services-Faxes
      Note: If Last used Directory for each Login has been replaced with a path to the S drive, then choose that instead.

  7. Click OK.  The faxes you have downloaded will then be in the S drive and accessible in Accuro through the Documents area.