September 5, 2022 - Software Task Sync Up
Review and discuss status of ongoing projects
Plan out and scope future SW tasks for end of comp
Discuss recruitment efforts
Ongoing Projects
Fix CI/CD on GitHub
not important for overview
Review, then merge all finished-but-unmerged PRs (Keyon arm-ros-gazebo-control, Orson arm-control)
administrative code reviews
Revamp software training
keyon wanting to look into revising software training
currently there is a barrier to entry to new team members (roughly 4 mo. committed to just doing training)
start identifying good new member tasks that are light on ros to keep people engaged as they work through training. ensure that ros heavy tasks are still restricted from members who have not fully completed training + some smaller tasks
Install SSD onto Jetson upon arrival
no discussion required
Test jetson running (builds run fine, but try running the drivetrain launch file)
need to confirm if keyon has tried this, but we have a fully working jetson with jetpack 5 (ros2 stable currently)
Convert SW Assemblies to high fidelity URDFs
for mech team to do at some point
Set up CAN interface for drivetrain
On softwares side - one type of communication protocols required to send and receive messages from a motor/actuator (firmware also uses I2C and SPI)
specifically this is required to send commands to drivetrain. CAN bus is used to package and transfer commands from the jetson to the firmware team. firmware team will take this information (joint velocity/position commands, etc), they will interpret it and send it to the motors.
Test ROS/Nucleo integration over CAN
the actual can interface is the same as the one being worked on for “drivetrain”; its just one CAN interface
need to sync with jahnavi to know if there are any active plans to continue with the nucleo integration
Set up xbox controller to control the drivetrain
easy checklist item
good for new members, little ROS experience required
M3 but can be done earlier given proper resource allocation
Create cartesian arm controller
recently launched project - going to be quite the undertaking
required for more experienced members
first step is to understand all of our transforms and coordinate system planes
open ended question - is it worth getting a 6axis sim up and running just to test controls(revisit later)
Define homing sequence for arm joints
safety sequence to make sure each joint doesnt bypass physical limits
important for testing controls on fully assembled arm
Set up physical controller for arm
important for testing arm
lots of work we have to do for physical controller selection first
Set up CAN Interface for the arm
same as the DT CAN interface (its universal)
Build URDF for science module with ros2_control
this is potentially important
FIRST need to figure out required fidelity of control, a URDF may not be required
RVIZ And Gazebo
Need to revisit if these are actually relevant
Interface with and receive video footage from DinoLite microscope camera
Need to revisit this . Might require complexity if we cannot interface with Linux the jetson (drivers dont work)
may need a micro computer connected to the dinolite camera
most important to see if this is compatible with linux first
for arm wrist camera, make sure we pick a nice linux compatible camera
Camera Package (URDF / Gazebo / RVIZ)
need to revisit this to justify if a URDF is required
all groundwork should be done this term (planning autonomy flowchart, setting up ZED2 feed)
goal for this term is also to have an articulated table mounted gimbal for QR code identification, and a scanning procedure
Comms work
All very important, but nothing that can be independently started before comms shit gets running
Identify, publish and store rover's GPS coordinates - need to look into localization and actual requirements