September 14, 2021

Date: Sunday September 17th, 8:30 - 9:30pm EST


Anna (Business)

Caleb (Team)

Cindy (Firmware)

Clare (Science)

Ethan (Mechanical)

Farris (Electrical)

Grace (Science)

Orson (Software)

Topic 1: Caleb’s transition

Topic 2: New Rules are out! 

  • Everyone please read through it, and encourage your sub-team members to read it as well
    • Drone? (probably not, it's optional and no time)
    • Pointing out differences and anything new
  • PDR guidelines not updated for 2022
  • SAR guidelines not updated for 2022
  • Science Plan not updated for 2022

Topic 3: Bay Stuff (COVID Safety Guidelines, bay access, software tables)

Topic 4: Lance has left the team

  • Explaining why he left

Topic 5: Sub-team Updates

  • Admin
    • Where do our shipments go?
      • Anna's missing package
    • Safety plan
    • New table for software
      • Sent email to victoria for that
    • Get new shelving units, organizational things
    • Monies
      • Ask Farris about how much money it will cost
    • Ask Melvin about Antennas
    • Order USB 3.0 cable for gimbal
  • Mechanical 
    • Jasmine - Antenna
    • Ali - Science by himself (Maybe get more people on that)
    • Ethan - getting rid of design tasks to focus on lead stuff
      • End effector, issue with it being too loose
    • Medina 5/6
    • Austin 1/2
    • Mathieu 3/4
    • Need overall $18,000 distribution 
      • So mech knows how much money they can spend with the rover
    • Drivetrain, needs differential bar corrected
      • Emily might not want gears
      • Drivetrain is pretty strong
    • Two new members
      • Joe - looking into battery selection
    • Biggest problem so far, nothing is concrete yet
    • Motor selection
      • Anna buying a motor
      • Olabisi making motor mount
  • Electrical
    • figured out rough design of power architecture (next week/two working on PDB)
    • motor shortage with mechanical
      • 48V with drivetrain
      • 24V with arm
    • Science board (Chelsea)
    • PDB (Farris and Cindy)
    • BMS (Ari)
    • Gimbal/Arm 
      • unknown if a board is needed (probably just O-Drives)
      • Taylor's on gimbal
    • New members, no beginner friendly board
      • Have an experienced members guide them through something difficult
      • Can't really shadow PDB board design
    • Wiring up the claw
      • Mathieu I think wired the arm
        • Farris talk to Ethan and Mathieu about wiring the claw
          • Then, check with Orson and Cindy to see if testing on old drivetrain is okay
          • (this is so FW/SW can get started on testing)
    • ODrive firmware needs to be written (Aidan Gratton)
  • Firmware
    • Getting new members started on training
    • Continued development on 2021 improvements
    • Will start planning 2022 initial codebase bring-up
  • Software
    • Helping newer members with software training
    • Try to get drivetrain up and running (get things to Melvin)
      • Delays (other stuffs)
    • Get a table! (Caleb)
  • Science
    • Outreach, getting new members (from science faculty, funding from sci-soc)
    • Working on mechanical on things
    • Grace researching Utah soil, getting a sample maybe (soil analysis)
    • Get relationship with profs (Clare)
  • Business
    • Going through team's finances confirming all the orders that have been placed/how much has been taken out of the team/week account.
      • Weef is tricky, they know how much we have left
        • They can't tell us
    • Orders that aren't on the tracking list, but need to be tracked down
      • Asking teams about orders that have been placed
    • Can't make budget until we know how much we have
    • $10,000 in team account
    • Looking forwards, no deadlines for WEEF and EngSoc so far
    • Get more external sponsors (more $)
    • Sponsorship package updates
      • reconnect with sponsors
    • Reimbursements

Next leads meeting

  • Updates
  • Discuss intention/feasibility of whether we can compete
  • Talk about budget

Comments from the meeting:

  • Range testing of rover comms
    • Need wiring diagrams (how does everything connect up?)
  • Need to test gimbal functionality 
    • Electrical (moving the motor)
    • Software/Firmware (controlling the BLDC and the servo)