November 23, 2022
General Announcements
@Austin Tailon Huang (Deactivated)
PDR due on Dec 2nd - need your help! PDR - Google Drive
Austin will create a first draft tonight and assign assistance responsibilites
Everyone must read and review before it is submitted
SAR Plan for Next Term
Aim to approach SAR but not destroy the team
By end of term - establish a developmental roadmap leading up to SAR
Establish bare minimum list of project milestones we think we need for hitting a video
Drivable drivetrain
Controllable arm joints (+ rviz/gazebo sim)
Gripper testing
Science mech sample collection capabilities
ArCU code recognition footage
Milestone checks every 3 weeks
If milestone checks have not been hit by 2 weeks before SAR, pivot towards CIRC development and create a video at end of term to showcase rover functionality
News from the SDC
Supporting CIRC!
Can use tron classes next term for recruiting through Prof Teetstra
Potentially can defer some exams - TBD
Workspace Updates
Bay has been reorganized (in terms of layout)
New PC coming in two weeks
E-Waste, Donations, Trash Sorting
W2023 Team Lead (in-training) Requirements
Attend SDC meetings (twice per term)
Manage and review team email with Austin (keep an eye on it, message me if you need help responding)
Give prof Teetstra updates on the team (informal 1-1 meetings, can do it remotely if required with Austin)
Assist with in person recruiting
Coordinate in-person work sessions in the bay (make sure stuff is happening, don’t need to attend everything)
Intention is to get someone who is interested in being team lead get familiar with the role
Austin’s Offboarding Task-List
I need to reduce my team commitment after PDR is submitted to wrap up the academic term
Austin will remain available Monday-Thurs evenings to coordinate technical meetings/share information; tentatively available on weekends on a case by case basis for all of the winter term
New systems pages for all projects to be completed before next year over winter break (great informational resources to describe our main projects from end to end)
W2023 roadmap established / URC-SAR criteria
Safety captain training page + bay organization completed by end of term
@Austin Tailon Huang (Deactivated) @Chanpakorn Chaiklahan
Comms Stand / Battery Mount / Ebox design moving forward - preliminary CAD completed, formal CAD review to happen next week
Weekly meetings on Monday at 9 for everyone interested
Science drill mechanism targeted to be completed by this time next week
Two new mech coleads secured!
Josh Harper + Thomas Valer
Will also take on safety/operations related roles
CAD spins for comms stand / battery mount / ebox to be completed
Encoder refitting for arm / drivetrain? thoughts
@Ari Wasch @Logan Hartford
Non performance non firmware testing for PDB and BMS has been completed
Some errors on PDB; will likely need one more revision done for PDB
Logan and wolfie to write basic FW code to test PDB
Blocked on BMS for FW testing
Data can be sent from base station to antennae
Needs to verify which data is being sent to which
Current amplifier is not suitable for long range transmission
Test PDB and redesign it as necessary
Order BMS
Determine what amplifier we need
Do range testing not this weekend but the weekend after
Find someone to test antennae and support billy in person next term
@Orson Marmon @Keyon Jerome
PM board on github projects has been created
Every task for software projects will be put in the github project board
Need to fix merge issue (CI/CD)
In person conference stuff has been shipped
USBS for linux also with Keyon - to be formatted in December
Nico and Cheng working on Nav
Cheng getting up to date with nav framework
Nico working on reading ArCU codes
Arm Controller Blocked by CI/CD
Create linux usbs
@Nicolas Palmar
Finally got an odrive running this week!
Ramped velocity and P control working on the gripper maxon motor using CUI relative encoder
Joshua has been pulled into current FW work
Fully understand config file generation and vcontrol error for current odrives
Start testing RLS encoder afterwards
@Clare Burnley
Progress Updates
ninhydrin testing! getting everyone ready and aligned, deciding how many core members will be in the bay
Onboarding Updates
new members are good, somewhat hard to keep engagement when we don’t have much to do
What’s next?
understanding the science mission/what future term(s) will require
Anything you’d like to bring up
@Anna Fyfe
Progress Updates
What has your team been working on? (Link CONFLUENCE task pages)
How’re these tasks going?
Have you completed any key steps/tasks?
Is the completed task a prerequisite to anything?
Have you encountered any blockers?
Do you need to set up a meeting with another lead?
(One bullet per update)
Onboarding Updates
How’re the new members doing?
How’s the training going?
What’re they working on?
How’re they feeling?
What’s next?
Major focus of the team in the next week
Anything you’d like to bring up