UWRT Capstone Collaboration Cleaning Robot Proposal

UWRT Capstone Collaboration Cleaning Robot Proposal

Project abstract

Every year, countless used objects are tossed on the ground, and a proper recycling protocol is needed. Cleaning devices like trash-collecting river robots and vacuum-cleaning robots are commonly used to deal with the issue. However, both robots are able to collect and recycle the garbage passively. The objective of this project is to design a robot algorithm that can actively track, navigate through open areas and collect objects on water or land. The main advantage of the design is that it provides a more energy-efficient method to collect larger trash and reduce interference with the user sharing the workspace with the robot.


  • Aerial robotics are not considered because of the noise level.

  • The robotics navigation also needs to take into consideration people sharing the path

    • Able to notify the user if the robot is approaching people

Working With UWRT!!!

Our team can provide:

  • Technical support in robot integration

  • Provide a hardware platform for the software project

  • Bay working area and all the equipment available

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