Industrial Automation: Robotic Arm and Conveyors

Industrial Automation: Robotic Arm and Conveyors

Project Vision

This project aims to teach students about factory equipment and processes like robotic arms, conveyor belts, and PLC control systems.  It uses a variety of different mechanical components, such as belts, pulleys, and bearings, as well as a wide range of electrical components like relays, microcontrollers, stepper drivers, and a PLC. 

Project Requirements

  • Use industrial components and practices
  • Manual and programable box movement, identification, and sorting
  • Scalable for use in labs
  • Safe to operate and be around
  • Demonstrate simple building and design concepts, math and robot kinematics, real life IOT experience 

Table of Contents

Computer Aided Design using SolidWorks and Matlab

Overall Project

The industrial automation project consists of an array of conveyors centered around a robotic arm, as pictured below. The belt system can move boxes in a square loop where they can be identified and diverted to a waiting area as appropriate. This can be done remotely with code created by students via the Opto 22 PLCs or manually with the control panels. The robotic arm can then move the boxes from the waiting areas as instructed, with its 3 degrees of freedom, in addition to its base rotation, gripper rotation and clamping. The robotic arm is directed by programable inverse kinematics, driven by classroom tested Nucleo STM32 microcontrollers, industry level PLCs,  and X-Nucleo-IHMO2A1 stepper driver boards.

CAD RenderingAs BuiltFinal Term Presentation

Industrial Automation Complete Assembly

A video of the conveyor array and robot arm working in conjunction can be seen by clicking the video below. As shown in the video, the boxes are automatically moved conveyor-to-conveyor, identified, and only boxes coloured green are diverted to the waiting area. From there the robotic arm picks up one of the green boxes and moves it to a different waiting area.

Live DemonstrationDiverter DemonstrationRamp Demonstration

Automated Box Movement and SortingAutomated box transfer from belt to transfer platformTransfer of box from ramp to ramp



Parts Made on the Milling MachineParts Made on the LatheTapping Aluminum Extrusions on the Flex-Arm Tapping Station

Conveyor Motor MountRobotic Arm Rod End Connector Tapping Aluminum Extrusions for Corner Bracket Assembly

The conveyor motor mount could not be machined using the waterjet as it required thick material to withstand the motor torque. A mill was used to cut slots on the mounting face to allow for the motor mount to have adjustable positioning to aid in the assembly of the drive train. A mill was also required to place the through holes as tight tolerancing was required to interface with the threaded holes on the motor itself. A lathe was used for the rod end connector as the part is rounded, symmetrical, and constructed from an easy to machine aluminum alloy.

Waterjet and Laser Cutting

Parts After WaterjetParts After CleaningParts After Bending

Robotic Arm Grabber ComponentsRobotic Arm Motor MountConveyor Ramp

A multitude of sheet metal parts were used in both the robotic arm and conveyor projects, namely for the motor mount in the caser of the robotic arm and the guide rail, ramp, motor sensor, and belt plate for the conveyor. Sheet metal was used when cheap cost, quick manufacturing time, and component simplicity was more important than precise tolerancing or material strength. Use of the waterjet allows for high accuracy feature placement, however, relative precision of these features on different faces is lost when the bends are made by hand.

Electronics Prototyping

Pullup Resistor ArrayCrimped Faston Connection for Limit SwitchLinear Regulator and H-Bridge Switches

Conveyor Control Panel

Conveyor Control Board

To control the conveyors, four relays are used to switch the two motors to run forward, reverse, and still. This control board has four buttons that the user can use to interact with with board. It also has three outputs for sensors, including the motor encoder, idler pulley counter, and Sharp distance sensor.  The board also interfaces with the series circuit of E-stop buttons. 

Conveyor Board Wiring Diagram (will be updated with electronic version)Assembled Control Board

Conveyor Electronics

Each conveyor has three sensors on it, plus an Orbec Astra camera that reports visual data and depth data. The conveyor functions are driven by two motors, both controlled by the conveyor control board. The first sensor is a quadrature encoder on the rear of the belt drive motor. It outputs two square waves, offset by 90° as the motor rotates. This output is proportional to the belt speed by the ratio of the motor gearbox ratio, pulley ratio, and belt roller effective diameter. The second sensor is an analog output Hall Effect sensor at the driven conveyor roller that will output a voltage that increases to a maximum as a magnet on the driven shaft passes by it. The third sensor is the IR distance sensor which can sense when a package is in front of it.

Motor Quadrature Encoder

The motor encoder is the stock encoder on the back of the motors on the conveyor.

SHARP GP270A21YK0F Distance Measuring Sensor Unit

The Sharp distance sensor is a 3-wire IR distance measuring unit that shines an IR LED onto the objects in front of it and measures how much light is reflected. The more light reflected, the closer the object is, to a point. It works well for measuring dull surfaces at room temperature. The datasheet can be found here: 

Hall Effect Sensor

A Hall effect sensor produces an output in the presence of changing magnetic fields.

Industrial Automation Showcase Meeting with Brock Solutions, Opto 22, and Inductive Automation Notes

Digital Twin

Brock Solutions recommends using Ignition to create the Digital Twin. This could be an excellent project for software students- it involves scripting, measurement of physical features, and testing.  A digital twin can be useful for a number of things- simulating throughput, testing failure cases, and simulating machine events. For a system like the Industrial Automation project, things happen quickly, so a fair bit of optimization is required to accurately model the system.

Long Term Projects

Involving chemical engineering students is a long term goal - there are many employers in the region, and chemical engineering is not a current strong point of the ideas clinic. Additionally, several design and tolerancing improvements must be made in order to implement a more reliable and robust system. For example, the current ramp system is difficult to adjust which can interfere with box movement.

List of Contributors

The Industrial Automation team included Jason Gill, Stephen Wang, Calvin DeKoter, Ben Tanen, and Jared Elliot.