Materials Testing

Materials Testing

Project Summary

The Materials Testing Project is an activity to supplement regular teaching in various Engineering Materials Science courses at the University of Waterloo (ME219, MTE219 and SYDE285). It aims to help students understand the behaviour of a material under different types of loading by testing and measuring properties such as strain, torque, deflection, torsion, and bending. As of now, labs for these courses are not extremely interactive, as they mostly consist of moderately large groups of students watching their TAs perform experiments. The experimentation that the students get to do with their own hands is minimal and does not really contribute to an in-depth understanding of concepts. To help out with this, a few different machines have been developed and are continuously improved by IDEAs Clinic Co-op Students. The following are the machines currently being developed:

  1. Axial Testing Machine

  2. Torsion Testing Machine

  3. Beam Bending Machine