November 26, 2021


  • Potential redesigns

    • Axis 4 (redesign suggestion based off Rishi and Ping)

    • Cable routing

    • Gripper ready to get manufactured

      • Caleb can help with this one

  • Wiring digram needed needed, mechanical can wire things (ME,EE)

    • Encoder breakout board needs to be done still

      • Another week or two for schematic (all that’s needed for wiring diagram)

  • Sizes of boards for box needed for Thomas

  • Differential SPI


  • Drivetrain might be getting stuck working out details (FEA)

    • Just go ahead on things

  • will probably meet SAR

  • Sent email to Martina (RLS) 2 days ago, haven’t heard back

  • Incremental


  • RLS not replying to encoders

  • Where are the other netzers? Missing 3 of them

    • Farris has 5 right now


  • Elevator system works

    • No design review yet

    • Jasmine helping autofocus on dynolite

    • Max-working on test tube holder

  • Science plan

    • New members interested in research

  • Ninhydren test didn’t work (amino acid thing)

    • 3 test tubes, science comes up with 3, one stage test

  • Rest of measuring done with camera, and sensors

Electrical Box

  • Box mount needs to be extended

    • Andrew’s (tentatively)


  • Planned out where antennas are going

    • Andrew and Farris know where it’s going to go

  • Farris found alternative antennas

    • Need to find someone to buy things

  • Melvin needs to teach Orson networking

Where will everyone be next term / Commitment Availiability

  • Caleb: Moving out from Team Lead, will be on-campus for manufacturing the robot

  • Farris: 8-month co-op in Toronto,

    • Taylor, and other newer members on campus for wiring

  • Clare: On campus

  • Grace: On campus

  • Ethan: On campus

  • Orson: On campus

  • Cindy: On campus

  • Anna: On campus (working from home in kitchener)

Team Lead Responsibilities

  • Social Media/Promotional Aspect

  • Technical Aspect

  • Administrative

  • General Support

  • WIll make post after next general meeting on this


  • Figure out procurement

  • Figure out using team account for direct purchases


  • Get a label printer

  • Email people 9:30 AM in the morning (best time apparently)

  • Get hot air reflow station

    • Farris talks to Teerstra for this

  • ODrives need to be picked up (or they get returned)

    • Pickup location (150 University Avenue West, Waterloo, ON)

    • Caleb will grab this

    • Pick up by NEXT THURSDAY

    • Farris send Caleb all the info needed