Downloading a Class Roster

Downloading a Class Roster


The procedure in this document provides the steps for downloading a class roster or a class roster with or without electronic grades, for a specific term, using Quest’s Class Roster Inquiry.  A class roster file is downloaded to the workstation from which the enquiry is made. 

A class roster can be for students enrolled in a class, students waiting for a class, or students that have dropped a class.

  • The Advisor Class Roster is used to select a class for which a roster is required.

  • The specific enrollment status for class roster download is selected in the Enrollment Status field (drop/down menu).

  • The Class Roster Download panel is used to select a class roster or a class roster for electronic grade 

Business Process


This procedure is used to download a class roster (list) of students enrolled in a class, dropped from a class, or waiting for a class.  The instructor/scheduling reps generally uses these lists for administrative purposes.

Class rosters for electronic grades are downloaded for use by instructors who may want a hard copy of a roster for purposes such as grade reporting.

PeopleSoft Navigation

Waterloo Inquiry → Advisor Class Roster


Find an Existing Value- Advisor Class Roster

  1. In the Find an Existing Value- Advisor Class Roster panel, accept UWATR as the default Academic Institution or select a different institution from the look up list.

  2. Enter the Term or select it using the look up list.

  3. Enter the Subject Area or select it using the look up list.

  4. Enter the Catalogue Nbr, and any other details such as Description, Class Nbr, Course ID, Course Offering Nbr, Class Section if known.

  5. Click on the Search button or press enter.

  6. Select the appropriate value from the list appearing below the Find an Existing Value panel, and click on it.


The Class Roster Panel appears

Class Roster Panel

  1. Select the Enrollment Status from the drop down list.

  2. Click on the Download button.

 The Class Roster Download panel appears

Select the I want a *.csv copy of this Class Roster or I want a *.csv copy of Class Roster for Electronic Grades.

Click on the Download button to save file to the work station.  Click on the cancel button to return to the Class roster panel without downloading the class roster list.

To view details regarding the selected value, click on the Detail link.

 Policy 19- Access to and Release of Student Information, warning appears on this panel.

Class Roster Detail Panel

The Class Roster Detail Panel appears.

To view details regarding the selected value, click on the Detail link.

Click on the Return link, to return to the Class Roster panel.

To exit the Class Roster panel, on the tool bar click the Return to Search button.

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