Adding a Course to a Previous Term

Adding a Course to a Previous Term


This procedure describes how a course is added to a term previous to the current term, in the case where it was missing from the original schedule, or it is required for transfer credit purpose, or it was determined post records clean-up in the Registrar’s office, that it should be added.


  1.  Requests to add a course to a previous term are accepted by the Scheduling office from either the Scheduling Representatives, or from the Registrar’s Office.

  2. Requests submitted by Registrar’s Office, must be copied by that office, and copies must be sent by that office to the Scheduling Representatives for their records.

  3. Requests must be made in writing (an email message is sufficient) and must include the term, course, catalogue number, enrollment limit and the specific topic if a topic is required.

  4. The Scheduling office will add the course to the schedule of classes, using procedure Scheduling a New Class.

  5. The Scheduling office will inform the requestor when the course has been added to the System.

  6. A record of the request will be filed in the Scheduling office for a period of five years.

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