Email - Preliminary Review Period
This is sent out when we open the DCU for “Open: Instructor Assignments Only” after we have created the schedule and done any cleanups.
UW Regstep
All scheduling reps
Elysia Gallinaro; Tanya Pompilio; Danielle Jeanneault; Madi Polanic; Meghan Miceli; Jennifer Coghlin; Libby Askin
Spring 2024 Preliminary Review Period - Please read carefully
Monday, Feb 12, 2024 9:20:55 AM
1245 - Timetable Review Feb 12.xlsx
S2024 cycle memo.docx
Good morning Graduate and Undergraduate Scheduling Representatives,
The Spring 2024 Preliminary Timetable has been created using Course Combinations, selected Teaching Windows, instructor, course and room constraints, and all other course and instructor information you have provided us.
Please review your timetable and request any critical changes to your spring courses using the Change Request Form within the DCU on the component editing screens for each delivery. You may self-edit instructor names within the DCU at this time. The only change that cannot be submitted via the form within the DCU is the request to add or delete courses or sections. These must be sent via email to
The timetable will be available via the DCU during the Preliminary Review Period (February 12-23). If others in your department assist you with the development of the timetable, feel free to have them review it with you while you are logged in to the DCU. The timetable may not be released to the rest of your instructors/department during this period. Once the Preliminary Review Period ends, the finalized timetable will be sent to you in spreadsheet form and you may then distribute it to the rest of your instructors/department.
No approvals will be required during the Preliminary Review Period (except for new level 1 and 2 instructor constraint changes/additions). Time change requests during this period must be restricted to urgent ones, such as those that correct an academic block issue. Discretionary time change requests will not be accommodated during the Preliminary Review Period.
You may continue to request changes to your spring courses beyond the Preliminary Review Period however, all time change requests will require approval from your Associate Dean, regardless of whether or not students are enrolled in the class.
Note: changes to the Winter 2024 and Spring 2024 terms made after March 1 must be submitted on the Change Request Form located on the Registrar’s Office Resource pages.
Please take time to ensure your Campus/Location columns on the Schedule of Classes (SOC) match your delivery information on all of your courses listed in the DCU. For example: if you have UW U coded on the SOC please ensure there are no remote deliveries coded on the course within DCU. If there are, please ensure you ask us to change UW U to BLND U, BLND ONLN or ONLN ONLINE.
We have attached the Spring 2024 Scheduling Cycle and an Excel version of the 1245 timetable for your reference (both posted in Teams as well). If you have any questions, feel free to contact anyone in Scheduling for clarification.
All the best,
The Scheduling Office Team
Elysia, Tanya, and Libby
Registrar’s Office
519-888-4567, ext. 49983