Email - Scheduling cycle communication
Once the scheduling cycle for the term has been created and approved (this email procedure) this email should be sent out to the scheduling reps/SO team/RO Comm team/current Deans/UG Assoc. Deans/College Presidents/Principals (Council of Academic Leaders | Office of the Vice-President, Academic and Provost | University of Waterloo and Donna Lutz with the cycle memo attached. Note: Do not send to all their assistants.
UW Regstep
Scheduling Reps
Jennifer Coghlin; Libby Askin; Elysia Gallinaro; Tanya Pompilio;; Danielle Jeanneault; Madi Polanic; Meghan Miceli; Donna Lutz; copy in current Deans/UG Associate Deans and current college Presidents/Principals; Alice Law
Winter 2024 Scheduling Cycle
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 9:40:08 AM
W2024 cycle memo.docx
Good morning/afternoon,
We have finalized the attached scheduling cycle for the Winter 2024 term. Feel free to share it with anyone who may benefit from knowing these dates and the links embedded within the document.
Please save a copy to your desktop to be available throughout the cycle. A copy is also available on the UW Scheduling Reps Team Site.
In addition, the secure RO resource website that includes scheduling deadlines/resource information, etc. will be updated to include the Spring 2024 information shortly.
Once we run Prior Term Copy for the Spring 2024 term on Thursday, November 16 and the spring term is available to you on the Schedule of Classes later the following week, we will remind the Scheduling Reps of the various deadlines within the cycle.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact any team member in Scheduling.
All the best,