Requesting Central Stores Services

Requesting Central Stores Services

This procedure outlines the steps required to have work done by Central Stores.


  • Ask Central Stores to contact the Registrar’s Financial Officer (j37scott@uwaterloo.ca current as of May 2023) to discuss pricing if it is a major project. This step can be omitted for simple furniture moves etc. (see below)

  • Central Stores will send an invoice for work completed if the job is billable or involves them scheduling overtime to complete the work surrounding the course/event schedules.

  • Forward the invoice to the Financial Officer for filing if Central Stores has charged for the service (typically furniture moves are not charged if overtime is not scheduled to do them).


  • For missing furniture: First, ask that custodial staff to do a chair count in nearby classrooms (ideally, the same evening the report comes into Scheduling. Note: this service is billable and needs a billable work request created in Archibus. See: Requesting Plant Operations Services

  • If the missing furniture does not turn up, complete this form:


Account - 55555

Work Order# 55555-55555

Activity – 555 (note this Accounting Flexfield set of numbers is fake and is only entered this way so Stores knows not to charge us)

Approved by: Jennifer Coghlin

  • Wait for the form to be received/confirmation email to be sent back to you and attach any photos you may need to submit as a reply to that confirmation email.

  • Adjust the REGISTRAR'S FURNITURE INVENTORY.xlsx appropriately if Registrar-owned furniture has been moved from the Bauer to a classroom or vice versa.



Confirm with the Scheduling/Exams Director that the furniture needs to be disposed of and then fill out this form>


Account information is the same for all classroom furniture disposal:


After generating the form the pdf green button will download the completed form to your computer downloads folder.


Have the Scheduling/Exams Director sign Section A and then email the pdf to csss@uwaterloo.ca (Central Stores) for pickup services.



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