Asset Surplus

Asset Surplus

Surplus Bins - General Information

  • All electronic equipment will be surplussed when it has reached its end of life or if there is a non-fixable issue and it no longer works. Sometimes a faculty member will bring in a personal old computer to surplus. Process the same as our equipment. 

If there is no ACO # on the item, it does NOT need to be added as a New Asset and does not require an ACO # to be surplussed. 

  • The request to surplus an item will be indicated in an RT or an email confirmation from ACO Administrative Coordinator or technical staff. 

  • The surplus bin is located in PAS 1084

  • Surplus bin is picked up by Central Stores and processed. Central Stores no longer hold surplus sales. 


Surplus Process Workflow

Creating a Surplus Bin

Returned Equipment and Surplus Workflow

What happens when a bin is full?

Once the surplus bin is full, coops will inform the Administrative Coordinator who will then do the following:

  1. Complete an Asset Disposal Form (Online).

  2. Prepare and print CALMS report of what assets are within that bin by removing the following visibility options that Central Stores does not require:

    1. Dollar value.

    2. Acquired date.

    3. Wiped and Wiped date.

  3. Arrange a date via e-mail to csss@uwaterloo.ca to have the bin picked up from Central Stores. This will be filled in the Date Pickup Requested.

  4. Print out CALMS report & Asset Disposal Form and attach to Surplus bin.

Once the Administrative Coordinator tapes the hardcopy of the Asset Disposal Form along with the CALMS report in the bin, nothing new can go into the bin.

What happens when the bin is picked up?

If coops hear the surplus bin being moved out by Central stores, send an email to the Administrative Coordinator to let them know it has been picked up.

  1. The Administrative Assistant will update CALMS to display that the bin has been picked up.

  2. The above process for creating a new bin will be implemented, and all items will be placed in the new surplus bin.

Surplus Assets

How to add assets to your bin 

Once the bin has been created, assets can be then added into that bin by doing the following: Click on the Surplus drop-down menu and click Surplus Assets.

  1. You will then see a series of fields to fill out under the “Asset Surplus” section. Fill in the fields as you would when creating an asset (instructions listed earlier in document). In most cases, when the ACO number is filled in first, CALMS auto-fills the rest of the fields.

    1. Fill out the ACO number (if there is no ACO number, try to find the device in the assets list).

    2. Fill in the Serial number (Serial No).

    3. Fill in the item name.

    4. Select a category from the drop-down menu.

    5. Select a bin (add your asset to the bin you just created).

    6. Add comments (see examples of comments below).

    7. Click Add to Surplus.

    8. Once your asset appears in the list below check the Wiped box and add the Wiped Date by clicking on Select a Date where a calendar field will appear. The Wiped checkbox should only be checked if the asset has already been wiped.

Surplussed Bins

How to create a surplus bin/Processing when the Bin is Full (completed by ACO Administrative Coordinator): 

Once a bin is full, coops will send an email to the Administrative Coordinator to create a new bin:

  • ACO Administrative Coordinator will: 

    • Inspect the bin for proper packing and correct items being surplussed, i.e. no non-electronic equipment.

    • Complete the online Asset Disposal Form and generate an Asset Disposal #.

    • Complete Asset Disposal Form # in CALMS of the bin being surplussed.

    • Complete Date Pickup Requested (current date of processing).

    • Print a PDF of bin contents and Asset Disposal form and attach the two forms to the top of the bin with tape. 

Once documents are attached to top of bin, do not put anything else in the bin. The bin contents document from CALMS MUST match the contents of the bin for Central Stores to verify items.

  • Remove the “Do Not Remove” signs off the sides of the bin.

    • Email Central Stores to arrange the full bin picked up and replaced by an empty bin.

    • Reply to co-op email that the bin has been processed and pick up has been arranged. They will likely hear the bin removed and the new one delivered.

    • Attach the “Do Not Remove” signs to the sides of the new empty bin. This is to ensure that the bin is not removed by Central Stores before it’s ready.

    • Set up new Bin Number in the format ACOYYYYMMDD-## (YYYY = current year; MM = current month; DD = current day; ## = number of the bin for that date (if only one bin this can be excluded) and advise Help Desk co-ops when new bin is ready to pack. 

  1. Click on the Surplus dropdown menu and click Surplus Bins.

  2. In the Description box, type in ACO, YEAR, and the number of the bin with a dash in front of it. For example, ACO2021-1.

    Description dropdown

PROCESSING SURPLUS (completed by Help Desk co-ops): 

To add an item to the surplus bin report on CALMS, there are two methods: 

  1. In CALMS, click on Surplus at the top and choose Surplus Assets (this is the quickest and easiest method).

  • Enter the ACO # of the item to be surplussed. If it is in CALMS, the serial number, name of item and type will pre-fill. 

  • If no ACO # or it is not visible, enter the serial number of the item. If it is in CALMS, the ACO # (if one), name of item and type will pre-fill. 

  • If item is not in CALMS complete the Item Name field with what it is and choose the appropriate item from the category drop down menu.  

  • Select a Disposal Code from the dropdown menu. 

  • Select a bin number from the dropdown menu. Usually it will be the current bin number being used. 

  • Enter Comments which will be the description and details of the item being surplussed (e.g., there is no hard-drive or what it is if it was not in CALMS). HINT: look at some of the past bins for how they were completed for suggestions. 

  • Ensure if it is a computer that it has been wiped and that the Wiped check box is checked, as well as the Wiped Date completed. This is to verify that all software has been removed from the computer so there is no violation of software licensing. 

  • Click on the blue Add to surplus button to add the item. 

2. In CALMS, click on Surplus at top and choose Surplus Bins (this is if you need to initially find the bin to use).

  • Click on the blue ACO###### on the top line under Description that shows “Date Pickup Requested – Awaiting pickup…”. That is the current bin being filled. Once the Date Pickup Requested field has a date, that surplus bin has already been processed and taken away. 

Packaging the Surplus Bin: 

  • Carefully pack the bin like a Tetris game and treat the contents as delicate crystal! We don’t want items broken as they are moved to Central Stores. 

  • Keep all heavy items, such as printers, in the bottom. 

  • Fill the narrow spots with monitors or small items like mice and keyboards. 

  • For any hard drives that have been removed from computers and cannot be wiped, put them in a small box marked “Confidential Shredding”. When that box is full, tape it closed and put inside the surplus bin. When completing the Asset Surplus in CALMS, in the Comments field indicate a box full of hard drives that is for Confidential Shredding (no number of drives necessary). The Wiped checkbox and the Wiped Date will NOT be completed in this case. 

  • You can put small items, such as mice or cables that are to be surplussed in a box and just indicate “a box of whatever the item” is in the Asset Surplus in CALMS. 

  • Parts of equipment can be above the top level of the bin, but do not pack equipment that is completely over the top level of the bin where it could fall out when the bin is moved. For example, the base of a monitor should be well below the top of the bin as it is heavy, but the screen part of the monitor can be a third out of the bin. The heaviness of the base will ensure the monitor does not topple out. 

  • Keep in mind that the bin will be rolled away, put on the lift of a truck and possibly roll around in the back of the truck, so the bin must be packed in such a way so things don’t fall out and to ensure everyone’s safety. 

Two other options to Dispose of items in the Surplus Bin are:

  1. Donated

  2. Archived 

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