Email - DCU Open - Review Period

Email - DCU Open - Review Period

For the DCU review period, we don’t change the access - the DCU stays in Data Entry access.

From: UW Regstep 

To: All scheduling reps

Cc: Jennifer Coghlin; Elysia Gallinaro; Tanya Pompilio; Libby Askin;

Subject: 1239- DCU Open - review period 

Date: Monday, January 09, 2023 1:54:58 PM 


Good /morning afternoon all, 

A report that captures your fall deliveries entered to date has now been posted in Teams: insert link to DCU review doc for appropriate term from Teams

The DCU is open for the review period and it will remain open until end of the day on April 19 for data entry to continue. 

You will need to email regstep@uwaterloo.ca if you need any of the following changes for the Fall 2023 term: 

  • Increasing/decreasing course caps 

  • Increasing/decreasing/adding/deleting reserve caps 

  • adding/deleting/editing sections 

  • adding/deleting/editing topic titles 

  • editing campus/locations (ONLN ONLINE to UW U or BLND U for example)  

Please continue to communicate with other departments regarding use of their courses in your course combinations and put the “Online” room type/pavilion/room number on any CEL sections/remote deliveries. 

Happy scheduling! 

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