Booking Humanities Theatre (HH 159)

Booking Humanities Theatre (HH 159)

I           Use of the Theatre

The goal is to ensure appropriate use of the Humanities Theatre providing for maximum access to client bookings, both as a theatre venue and for teaching purposes where applicable.


II          Booking Eligibility

To be eligible to book a class in the Humanities Theatre, it must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Enrollment is expected between 447 and 675 (may not exceed under any circumstances).

  • The class requires theatre facilities/equipment that is unavailable elsewhere on campus.


III         HH 159 Availability (for classroom use)

  • Monday (8:30 am) to Thursday (12:00 noon)

  • Fall and winter terms only

  • Classes held in the theatre will be scheduled with at least ½ hour between them to allow for egress and ingress of large numbers of students.


IV         Conditions of Use

  • No food or beverages (except for bottled water) are allowed in the theatre

  • All requests for technical/staging requirements must be made with the Theatre Centre’s Director of Theatre and Production Operations, ext. 44767 (not ITMS)

  • Theatre Centre staff are responsible for opening and closing the theatre before and after a scheduled class (the theatre is opened 15 minutes prior to any scheduled class)

  • Should a class be cancelled for any reason, the Director of Theatre and Production Operations must be notified at ext. 44767.


V          Booking Procedure (to be arranged by Departmental Scheduling Representative)

If a class requires the use of the Humanities Theatre:

  • Ensure that it meets at least one of the requirements (see Booking Eligibility above)

  • Ensure that the class will not require a writing surface for students (seating is theatre-style with no writing surface available)

  • Check with the instructor to ensure that he/she does not require a blackboard/whiteboard (none are available)

  • Send a request to Regstep@uwaterloo.ca along with the course name, section number, class limit, and three proposed class times in the preferred order. The Scheduling Office will respond with the approved time slot and a listing of the conditions of use.

  • During DCU access, code the approved time slot and a room request note stating that the Scheduling Office has approved the use of HH 159 during the approved forced time slot.


  • All requests must be submitted, approved and coded before students are enrolled into their classes (Sectioner Run). The Theatre Centre has full access to the theatre after this date.

  • If a class has requested the use of the theatre to accommodate many expected students but then fails to meet the size requirement (447), the Scheduling Office will move it to an appropriately sized, centrally managed classroom. If one is not available, the class may remain in HH 159 at a cost to the academic department. Refer costing questions to the Director of Theatre and Production Operations at ext. 44767.


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