Email - Submitting midterm requests to be addded to the queue for future term bookings

This email should be sent out to all midterm reps (not the same listing as the Scheduling reps but stored in same folder on Teams) the same week that sectioner runs.

From: UW Regstep 

To: All Midterm Reps

Cc: Jennifer Coghlin; Annette Ertel; Libby Askin; Tanya Pompilio; Elysia Gallinaro; Jennifer Crane 

Subject: Midterm Room Bookings Spring 2023

Date: Thursday, March 23, 2023 10:30 AM


Hello Midterm Examination Representatives!

Regarding Spring 2023 midterms: Please submit all midterm requests which need REG spillover space to the Scheduling Office using the midterm room booking request form (see link below), if you have not done so already. One form per course please and you are best to include numerous dates for the same section on one form for a better chance at getting the same room(s) for spillover each date.  We determine the priority of the booking requests by the order in which you send through your forms. It is advisable to submit your largest seating needs first.

(TST slot components displayed on the Schedule of Classes always get highest priority but they must still be submitted on the booking forms if extra REG rooms are required from us).

(if you have trouble navigating to the form please try:   Doing so will force user authentication and allow you to navigate to the form manually.)


As always,  we encourage the use of class time assigned on the Schedule of classes for in-class midterms. However, if a time slot outside regularly-scheduled class time is required, we ask that you use the following Friday evening standard test slots as much as possible since we normally have more REG room inventory available for midterm use:

·         4:30 - 6:00pm

·         6:30 - 8:00pm

·         8:30 - 10:00pm

Note:  These are Senate-approved times.  Requests for Friday evenings that overlap these slots will not be accommodated without approval from your Associate Dean. We have built in set-up and tear down time within these slots.

Your best chance of getting a large number of seats in the smallest number of rooms is to be prepared to seat students in tablet arm chairs since our largest rooms have tablet armchair seating (please do so by answering "yes" to the tablet armchair question on the template if feasible)

If a TST component is not listed as an official component for your course at the catalogue level, we will add it for one term only if requested by the department. Beyond one term, we insist that you have added to the catalog via your calendar rep.  Also, if a TST slot is not Senate-approved beyond the one term and/or is not officially scheduled on the Schedule of Classes, the midterm will automatically be considered a non-TST slot submission.

If your course belongs to MATH or SCI faculties: you need your Associate Dean’s approval if you would like to assign Saturday midterms in any of our standard slots approved for either of these faculties. Please indicate their approval at the bottom of the form.

If you submit a midterm request but later on send in a revision, the new date and/or time will automatically be put at the end of the appropriate queue. Midterms will start being confirmed around the first/second week of April. Until that time they are safely stored in booking queues within the Regstep email account.

If you no longer handle midterm bookings for your department please reply to this email with details.

Thank you,

Tanya Pompilio