Infosilem - updating the Admin and "Super" passwords

Infosilem - updating the Admin and "Super" passwords

The passwords have a current plan to be updated annually in April.


Infosilem Campus Admin: https://iscampweb.nexus.uwaterloo.ca/AdminUI/p/

Infosilem Academic Suite Manager: https://vdiapps.uwaterloo.ca/RDWeb/Pages/en-US/Default.aspx

Infosilem DCU Admin: https://isacadweb.nexus.uwaterloo.ca/DCU/Admin/

Infosilem DCU: https://isacadweb.nexus.uwaterloo.ca/DCU/

Infosilem Timetabler: Infosilem - Academic Suite

Table of Contents:

To change password for Infosilem Campus Admin:

Log into Campus Admin using “super” log-in and current password


under the “Admin” heading, select “Users” listed under User Management

  • select “Users”

  • select “Ancillary”

Search for “super” beside the Filters button


Select the “super” user

Under “User Account Details” enter the new password in the “New Password” field

Strong passwords are typically at least 12 characters—and include uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters

re-enter again in the “Confirm Password” field:

Then save


The password for the Infosilem Campus Integration also must be updated when changing the Campus super password within Infosilem Academic Suite Manager. The reason for this is when we run the “Infosilem Campus Integration” within Timetabler, pulling in the new room information, it’s possible to get a connection error.

To change password for Infosilem Campus Integration and Infosilem Academic Suite Manager:

·       Need to sign into Infosilem Academic Suite Manager

o   Link: https://vdiapps.uwaterloo.ca/RDWeb/Pages/en-US/Default.aspx

§  click on Infosilem Administration folder

§  click on Infosilem Academic Suite Manager icon



Sign in with old password


Select the Infosilem Campus Integration

  • then select the “edit” icon

Change the password within the “Password” field (this is the same password as the Infosilem Campus Admin password)

Test the connection by clicking on “Test Connection”

wait for “Connection Succeeded” message


Select OK then Close

Select “Options” to change the password for Infosilem Academic Suite Manager

  • enter new password in “New Password” field (we will use the same password as Infosilem Campus Admin)

  • re-enter password


  • then Apply and OK

To change the password in the DCU for the super account

Log into the DCU admin: https://isacadweb.nexus.uwaterloo.ca/DCU/Admin/

Under User Management, view all users.

Find the user “Super”

Select the user id

Change the password to the new password for the year.

Notify the systems person within Scheduling and the IST team that the password for Infosilem Campus Admin and Infosilem Academic Suite Manager are now changed.

To change the Password for Super user in Timetabler/Sectioner

After logging into Timetabler select “System Administration along the left hand list, select the Super user, update the password.



This grouper will give those that have access the ability to add/remove users from the “Infosilem Academic Suite Registrar Users“ grouper. This group gives access to allow the user to log on to the VDI server to log into Timetabler.


A ticket also needs to be created to IST to get the user added to the Infosilem-Users Nexus group (Jira - backdoor ticket)

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