Requesting Plant Operations Services

Requesting Plant Operations Services


This procedure outlines the steps necessary to send a request to Plant Operations when work is required in a centrally-managed classroom.                                                                                               


  • If the work is substantial - call the Buildings Supervisor in Plant Operations (currently Scott Douglas) to discuss the change(s)/modification(s) that is required.

  • Cracked chairs/desks, things needing to be rewelded are considered Billables.

  •  The Buildings Supervisor will decide if the work requires a simple email outlining the details or a more formal Work Request that will involve charges and therefore require an account number.

  •  If an email is requested, send details, including a deadline when the work must be completed, to whoever the Buildings Supervisor deems most appropriate.

  •  If the Buildings Supervisor requests a Work Request, the form can be found here:

Archibus. Note: all furniture count requests made to Custodial is a Billable service and Scheduling can fill out the Archibus Work Request without having to verify first with anyone in Plant.

  • You must log in to your Archibus self-service account. Select Service Desk from the left-side menu bar and then Workplace. From there, a Billable work request should be selected. Include all details necessary for the work to be completed as required.

  •  For substantial work: If Plant Operations sends a Client Approval Form, forward it to the Director, Scheduling and Examinations who will obtain the signatures as necessary.

  •  Adjust REGISTRAR'S FURNITURE INVENTORY.xlsx as appropriate if furniture has been affected/moved/stored due to the request.

  •  Inform stakeholders who have reported the need for work to be carried out (Scheduling Reps, AccessAbilities staff, instructors, etc.) that Plant Operations will be carrying out the change(s).

  • Once the work is complete, forward the charge out sent by Plant Operations to the Financial Officer, Registrar’s Office for their records (current as of May 2023: Jenna Scott at j37scott@uwaterloo.ca). Send a copy to the Director of Scheduling and Examinations.

  •  If Custodial is needed to perform a chair count before you can proceed on any of the steps above fill out a billable work request in Archibus as they are now charging for this service as of 2023. The account number for them is the same as for Plant classroom maintenance: 60690-10000-11082-100 (dept code is 5530). This code can be used for all classroom furniture issues: temporary fixed chair removal/storage/replacements for example)

  • For general maintenance issues/non-billable services like cleaning whiteboards/reporting vandalism of walls/basic maintenance on classroom furniture such as lubrication, tightening of screws, chair glide, leveling of feet, etc) email: pltops.maintenance@uwaterloo.ca

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