Coding Combined Sections
This procedure provides you with the steps for creating combined sections in the system. You use the Combined Sections Table panel and Combined Sections panel to create combined sections in the system.
First, you define a combined sections ID using the Combined Sections Table panel. After you create a combined sections ID, use the Combined Sections panel to link classes to the ID. You also use this panel to indicate the following data:
combination type
whether this is a permanent or one-time combined section
combined capacity information
Before you combine sections in the system, verify that a facility ID (if one was entered) exists for only one of the classes you are combining. You enter this information on the Meetings panel of the Schedule New Course and Schedule of Classes panel groups.
For more information on modifying meeting or instructor data after sections have been combined, refer to procedure Modify Data After Sections Combined.
Business Process
Combined sections tie two or more class sections together when they are taught in the same room at the same time by the same instructor(s). The combined class sections could be across subjects, within the same subject, or both. A sections combined ID is created for each combined section.
All scheduling information, with the exception of the Meeting Pattern/Instructor data, is recorded for class sections that are to be combined. The Meeting Pattern/Instructor data is entered for only one of the class sections. Once the class sections have been combined using this procedure, the meeting pattern information defaults to the remaining class sections in the combination.
PeopleSoft Navigation
Navigator → Curriculum Management → Combined Sections → Combined Sections Table
Use → Combined Sections Table
Use → Combined Sections
On the Find an Existing Value—Combined Sections Table dialog box, in the Academic Institution field, accept the default of UWATR.
From the Term look up list, select the applicable term.
From the Session drop down list, select the applicable session. The Regular Academic Session
Click the Search button or press Enter.
The Combined Sections Table panel appears.
If sections combined information already exists on this panel, you must insert a new row to record data. To add an additional row in which to record a combined section ID, descriptions, and short description, click the blue plus button.
The Combined Section ID will appear automatically.
In the Description field, type a description for the combined sections ID. When you press Tab to move out of this field, the Short Description field defaults. You can override the default if necessary.
On the toolbar, press the save button. The system reviews, validates, and saves the sections combined data.
After you create a combined sections ID, use the Combined Sections panel to link classes to the ID and determine the combination type, using one of two methods to navigate to this panel.
While in the Combined Sections Table, click on the View Combined Sections link, created once data for a new Combined Section ID is complete and has been saved.
From the Combination Type drop-down list, select the applicable type for the sections you are combining.
Verify that the Permanent Combination check box is selected.
If you do not select the Permanent Combination check box, the system considers the combination a temporary arrangement for the current term.
Under Room Capacity, in the Requested Room Capacity field, type the appropriate combined capacity for the combined section.
The combined capacity must be updated each time a change is made to the enrollment limit of any sections combined meet.
In the Enrollment Capacity field, type the number of students who can enroll in the combined sections.
The system updates the “Total” as enrollments are processed.
Leave the Wait List Capacity field blank.
In the Class Nbr field, type the class number for the first class section. When you press Tab to move out of the field, the Subject Area, Academic Group, Catalog Number, Class Section, Requested Room Capacity, Enrollment Capacity, Enrollment Total, Wait List Capacity, and Wait List Total fields default.
Click in the Class Nbr field, and then on the toolbar, click the plus button to insert a row. A new row appears. repeat the step above to add more sections.
On the toolbar, click the save button once you have added all the sections. The system reviews, validates, and saves the data.
To exit the Sections Combined panel, on the toolbar, select the View Combined Sections Table to return to the Combined Sections table.