Changing Course Credit Weights

Changing Course Credit Weights


This procedure provides steps for changing course credit weights

Course credit weights can be changed using the Class Associations panel group.

  • Use the Class Association panel to change the minimum and maximum units.

Course credit weights can ONLY be change by the Scheduling Office personnel if there are no students enrolled in the course for which the credit weights require changing.  Enrollment totals must be verified first prior to changing any course credit weights.

Enrollment totals can be verified using the Schedule of Classes panel group.

  • Use the Enrollment Control panel to verify current enrollment totals.

As of Fall 2019 for both on campus and CEL sections - If students are enrolled in a class, requests for course credit weight changes should be directed to: sarecord@uwaterloo.ca


Verifying if students are enrolled or not:

Navigate to: Curriculum Management → Schedule of Classes → Maintain Schedule of Classes

On the Find an Existing Value—Schedule of Classes dialog box, in the Academic Institution field, accept the default of UWATR.

In the Term field, type the appropriate term code or select if from the drop-down list.

From the Subject Area look up list, select the desired subject area.

To view only class sections for a certain class, in the Catalog Nbr field, type the desired catalog number.

Click the Search button or press Enter.

A list of the scheduled classes for the selected term and subject area appears in the bottom of the dialog box.

From the list, select the desired class by clicking it once.

The Basic Data panel appears

Click the Enrollment Control tab.

The Class Enrollment Control panel appears.

Verify the Total Enrollment count

If there is any students enrolled, send the credit weight changes to sarecord@uwaterloo.ca

If there are no students enrolled, navigate to the Class Association panels.

Curriculum Management → Schedule of Classes → Adjust Class Associations

On the Find an Existing Value—Class Associations dialog box, in the Academic Institution field, accept the default of UWATR.

In the Term field, type the appropriate term code or select if from the look up list.

To view only classes for a particular subject area, from the Subject Area look up list, select the desired subject area.

To view only class sections for a certain class, in the Catalog Nbr field, type the desired catalog number.

You can also search using the Academic Career, Session, Description, Course ID, or Course Offering Nbr fields.

Click the search button or press Enter.

A list of the scheduled classes for the selected term and subject area appears in the bottom of the dialog box.

From the list, select the desired class by clicking it once to select it.

The Class Associations panel appears.

Change the Minimum and Maximum Units as required.

On the toolbar, click the save button.

The system reviews, validates, and saves the data.

To exit the Class Associations panel group, on the toolbar click the return to search button, or, click on any of the navigation steps to the left of Class Associations, on the navigation map above the panel group.

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