Closing A Class Section

Closing A Class Section


This procedure provides steps for closing a class section once it has been set up using the Schedule New Class panel group.

A Class section can be closed using the Schedule of Classes panel group.

Use the Enrollment Control panel to close a class section.

Business Process

This process allows an already set up class section to show up as being closed.

PeopleSoft Navigation

Curriculum Management → Schedule of Classes → Maintain Schedule of Classes

On the Find an Existing Value—Schedule of Classes dialog box, in the Academic Institution field, accept the default of UWATR.

In the Term field, type the appropriate term code or select if from the drop-down list.

From the Subject Area look up list, select the desired subject area.

To view only class sections for a certain class, in the Catalog Nbr field, type the desired catalog number.

Click the Search button or press Enter.

A list of the scheduled classes for the selected term and subject area appears in the bottom of the dialog box.

From the list, select the desired class by clicking it once.

The Basic Data panel appears.

Click the Enrollment Control tab.

The Enrollment Control panel appears.

Ensure that the correct Class Section record is showing in the enrollment control panel, or use the page arrows to find the section requiring closure.

Select Closed Section from the Class Status drop down list.

Click the save button.

To exit the Schedule of Classes panel group, on the tool bar, click the yellow Return to Search button, or click on any of the navigation points left of the Schedule of Classes on the navigation map above the panel group.

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