Quest - Before Sectioner is Run

Quest - Before Sectioner is Run

These queries are run before sectioner happens. Log into Quest and use Query viewer to run these queries.


Fixing reserve capacity sequence orders UW_RS_RESERVE_CAP_ORDER_NP

We can’t have courses where one has a topic and the other doesn’t (TBA would need to be attached as a topic on both PCS and reals) UW_RS_SCH_TOPIC_NO_TBA

Topics missing from secondary components UW_RS_CEM_TOPICS_W_SEC_COMP_KW

Pre-enrollment sections but no real sections UW_RS_PCS_BUT_NO_REAL_SB

Components (TST) scheduled on Fridays or Saturdays (change test slot times to end at 6:00 (18:00), 8:00 (20:00) and 10:00 (22:00)) UW_RS_FRI_TST_SLOT_SV

Fixing Auto Enrol with no secondary component UW_RS_SCH_AUTO_NO_AUTO_ENRL_NP

Fixing mismatched class components (do this query last because what you correct in the queries above will affect this one)



Run after above query to re-add any that were accidentally removed UW_RS_SCH_COMP_NOT_ASS_CLS_JV and UW_RS_SCH_ASSOC_COMP_MISMATCH (this one will show you everything that doesn’t match, including ones with CEL sections with no additional components)

To find instructors attached to courses that are not in their approved subject lists in the instructor/advisor table UW_RS_SCH_NO_SUBJ_INSTR_TBL_NP

Run to remove any combined sections that are not really combined sections anymore (one component has been removed) UW_RS_SCH_SCTN_CMB_ONE_COMP_SB

Check combined section total to ensure they match (create column and add formula (=EXACT(F3,G3))


Schedule of Classes – run to look for real sections with caps of zero that will prevent sectioner from enrolling into reals. Also look for any CEL sections missing the Course Admin code or non-CEL with a course admin and fix instruction modes. UW_RS_SCH_SCHEDULEOFCLASSES_SB

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