PCS reconciliation using Course Build page

PCS reconciliation using Course Build page


Students will pre-enroll (aka Course Select) in courses using a list that is created from the Course Build page.

Scheduling Department Representatives have access to and build the list of pre-enrollment (701/PCS) courses, using the Course Build Panel within Quest.

All students, faculty and staff can view the list of courses on the web: Course Selection Offerings List

Business Process

The list of pre-enrollment courses is built to be used by students for course selection/pre-enrolment

PeopleSoft Navigation

To Create Pre-Enrollment Course Builds:

Home > Waterloo Student Admin → CEM → Use → Course Build


Follow the above navigation, the term is automatically loaded.

The results are the courses that the scheduling rep would have access to already

Select the Campus for this course using the magnifying glass icon to change the Campus. The choices are all campuses that exist in Quest. The scheduling rep should also email regstep@uwaterloo.ca to let scheduling know to update the real section as well.

The UW Pre-Enrollment Course Build panel appears with the campus field populated.


If the same course is being offered on more than campus, you must build the course once for each campus where the course will be offered.  Use the plus button to add an additional row in the UW Pre-Enrollment Course build panel for each campus. Also ensure that a real section exists with the matching campus.

In the Topics field type in the number of the topic being offered, if applicable.

If you do not know the topic number, click on the magnifying glass icon.

The Lookup Topic page appears.

Select a Topic.

The UW Pre-Enrollment Course Build panel appears with the topic field populated.

If you are offering more than one topic, you must build the course for each topic that will be offered. Use the plus button to add an additional row in the UW Pre-Enrollment Course build panel for each topic.

If special information about the course is required for the students, type it in free format text in the Pre-Enrollment Information field. This information will display on the Course Selections Offerings List.

To add another course to the list, click on the plus button. A new row will be added to the page.

To delete one of the course offerings, click on the minus button.

If a course offering is deleted and students are already enrolled in that course offering, an error message will appear when the page is being saved, however course build is only open when no one is able to be enrolled.

If you still want to remove the course from the course offerings list, run a class roster per procedure Downloading a Class Roster, to determine the program of the students who are enrolled. Contact the advisor of that program to make arrangements for dropping the students out of the course. Once the students are no longer enrolled in the course, the course can be removed from the course offerings list.

When all the course builds are complete click the Save button.

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