Timetabler - Building Sectioning Combinations

Timetabler - Building Sectioning Combinations

Sectioning combinations are used within Timetabler to let the scheduler, and academic block builder know which sections can go with what.

free choice among some yet auto-related TST means we have to guide system so that LEC 001 can't choose TUT 104 for example

free choice among some yet auto-related TST means we have to guide system so that LEC 001 can't choose TUT 104 for example

to build them manually we navigate to section 100 and select this sect. combo panel: 

fill in ID 1 LEC 001/TUT 101/TST 201 by hitting F9 in each cell

fill in ID 2 LEC 001/TUT 102/TST 201 by hitting F9 in each cell

6 rows will be needed in total one for each LEC/TUT combo along with the TST for each row.

sect. combos are built for us before we import the courses into quest

but changes we make after that mean building them from scratch sometimes. doesn't happen often but something to be on the look out for

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