Exporting Classlist and Groups

Exporting Classlist and Groups

Follow these steps to obtain a CSV (Excel) file with your Classlist. The file will contain last name, first name, WatIAM ID, student number, and Group enrollments (including the Quest group information).


  1. On the Course Homepage in LEARN, click the Instructor Tools link in the Course Tools widget.

  2. Click Group memberships export

Uploading Group assignments

If you wish to assign groups in an CSV (Excel) file and then bulk upload these group to LEARN, use this export as the template to fill out. Just ensure that before you export this file, you have created the Group Category and Groups in LEARN. Once you have the file filled out, please send a request to learnhelp@uwaterloo.ca to have the file uploaded.


If you are using this export to get a list of email addresses for your students, use the following formula to generate their emails based off their WatIAM ID.



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Contact LEARNhelp at learnhelp@uwaterloo.ca or 519-888-4567 ext. 41744 for assistance.

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