
We strongly recommend you do NOT use Vevox for grades at this time (especially for large classes) because the export does not have a unique identifier for each student's results and cannot be imported into LEARN. The LEARN connection for grades is coming soon.

Participating in a Vevox session

Please see Vevox’s documentation on

Hosting a Vevox session

Sign in to Vevox

  1. Go to .

  2. Click Login with SSO.

Creating a Vevox session

Follow the instructions laid out at

Adding Polls to a session

Please see Vevox’s documentation on

Inviting Participants to a session

Several options for are available.

Starting a Vevox session

Follow the instructions laid out at .


Need help?

Contact LEARNhelp at or 519-888-4567 ext. 41744 for assistance.

Article feedback

If you’d like to share any feedback about this article, contact LEARNhelp at