Participating in a Vevox session

Participating in a Vevox session

You can participate in a Vevox session using a web browser on your device. Consider using one of the recommended web browsers for Vevox.

Joining a Vevox session as a participant

  • If your host has provided a QR code, you can scan this code to open the session in your web browser on your device.

  • Alternatively if your host has provided a 9-digit Session ID,

    • open the Vevox web client straight from your browser at https://vevox.app on your phone, tablet, or laptop,

    • enter the 9-digit Session ID,

    • and press Join.

  • If identification has been requested by the host, you will be directed to UW’s login page; sign in with your UW credentials.

  • If your instructor has connected the Vevox session to their LEARN course, you will not be able to login using the options above. Join the Vevox session by clicking on the link your instructor has provided in the course.

Need help?

Contact LEARNhelp at learnhelp@uwaterloo.ca or 519-888-4567 ext. 41744 for assistance.

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