Scheduling Definitions/Who to Contact

Scheduling Definitions/Who to Contact


519-888-4567, ext. 49983

Timetabler = Scheduling 

Timetabler is our side of the software and the DCU is the rep’s side 

Campus is used for booking anything and everything that’s not going to appear on the schedule of classes. We also use it once the courses have been moved from Timetabler to Quest to find available rooms when the courses want to change rooms. 

Campus is our side of the software and WatRooms is the rep’s side. 

PCS = pre-enrollment course selection (also called 701’s or course build) 

DCU: https://isacadweb.nexus.uwaterloo.ca/DCU/ 

Online Cycle: https://uwaterloo.ca/registrar-resources/scheduling-and-examinations/term-scheduling-cycle-tasks  

Change Request Form: https://uwaterloo.ca/registrar-resources/scheduling-and-examinations/course-change-request-form  

Undergrad Schedule of Classes: https://classes.uwaterloo.ca//under.html 

Graduate schedule of Classes: https://classes.uwaterloo.ca//grad.html 

Campus: https://iscampweb.nexus.uwaterloo.ca/scheduling 

Historical Schedule of classes: https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/cscf/teaching/schedule/expert

Maphub: https://maphub.net/UofW/UofW-map  

Who to contact


When Scheduling Office staff do not have the expertise to make an accommodation in a REG room/need a room assessment conducted reach out to the Plant Operations Physical Accessibility Specialist. Currently, as of Jan 2025, the contact is Melissa Moogk-Soulis melissa.moogk-soulis@uwaterloo.ca. They may need to confer with the Campus Accessibility Team (Joyce Barlow joyce.barlow@uwaterloo.ca) but the Scheduling Office does not need to refer directly to them.


When Scheduling Office staff do not have the expertise to make an accommodation in a REG room/need a room assessment conducted reach out to AccessAbility Services staff. Currently, as of Jan 2025, the contact is Sarah Turner at sarah.cm.turner@uwaterloo.ca. Alternate contacts in the same office can be reached at: access@uwaterloo.ca. They may need to confer with the Campus Accessibility Team (Joyce Barlow joyce.barlow@uwaterloo.ca) but the Scheduling Office does not need to refer directly to them.


For after sectioner runs in any given term:

Email Sean Warren (IST/Learn) (learnhlp@uwaterloo.ca) any time a component change is made (RDG to LEC etc) or or anytime a study mode changed from in-person to CEL or vice versa.

This applies to primary and secondary/tertiary components. They also need to know if a secondary or tertiary component gets added or removed from a primary section.

Students get removed from their LEARN shells when these changes happen in Quest so they must be informed so that students can be added back into the existing courses in Learn.

As of Nov 17 2022: IST/LEARN no longer cares if an 001 UW U goes to 001 remote ONLN ONLINE. 


Topics, reserves, course drop/addsgscheduling@uwaterloo.ca 


Topics, reservessarecord@uwaterloo.ca 


Submitting a Jira to out IT staff, or RO admin: https://uwaterloo.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/48

If there are any issues with Infosilem Campus or Academic Suite, please submit a ticket at: https://uwaterloo.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/87/group/288/create/1345  

Timetabler Transfer Specifications can be found: K:\sisp\Infosilem-downloads\Academic_Suite_14.1.0.64\Documentation\English\Timetabler

Campus documentation can be found within the web application of Campus.

Enrollment data requests should go to Jira: Jira Service Management

If they have problems submitting the Jira send them to Taha Gilani and give him a heads-up that they will be in contact.

Sectioner Related Files MS Teams Channel:

The purpose of the Sectioner Related Files channel is for the Records Systems team to share some sectioner related files (chat function is disabled). This channel is for Records Systems work, Scheduling staff can turn off the notifications for this channel to avoid distractions. If people are requesting access to the “Sectioner Related Files” channel please do not take action. Alice Law will add people if it’s needed, however, if people are not a member of the UW Scheduling Reps Team then they don’t need access.


When the SoC isn’t updating

When the Schedule of Classes isn't updating


getting a 502 error? 502 bad Gateway error


Central Store booking generic email: cstrbook@uwaterloo.ca

Examinations email: exams@uwaterloo.ca

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