Request for Dropping/Adding of Students

Request for Dropping/Adding of Students


This procedure ensures that student Quest accounts are updated with the most recent change to a course’s time slot and/or start/end dates. The records area of the Registrar’s Office performs this work after we have changed the schedule in PeopleSoft for undergrad courses and GPSA staff perform this activity for Grad courses. This only needs to be done when there are students enrolled in a course, and there’s been a time added, or changed outside of the time the course was originally added with. If a course was 3 hours, but now it’s only 2 hours within the original window of time, no drop/add is needed.


  1.  Change the timeslot as requested by the department in question (provided appropriate approval on their end is received).

  2.  Undergrad courses: Email rorec1@uwaterloo.ca.  

  3. Grad courses: Email gscheduling@uwaterloo.ca.

  4. They require the term, course number, section number and any relevant additional instruction. I.e.: keep students in the same labs they were previously in, or override time conflict, requisites, permission etc. if requested by the department.

  5.  If any students lose the course due to time conflict, a Record’s team/GPSA team member will send ID numbers involved. Scheduling staff ensure they are passed on to the requesting scheduling rep to inform the students of the action taken in their Quest accounts.

  6.  For ENG undergrad courses – unless the scheduling rep specifies that drop/add work should NOT be done; we will assume it is required.