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Run queries that are course clean-up related. This is just to ensure that we have good information.
UW_RS_SCH_CAMP_NO_SEC_CAMP_SB (ie FR 192B has one STJ section but ORL have only UW)
Run queries that are students and reserve cap related:
UW_RS_MISSING_PARENTH_NP - will error the reserve cap assignment if not correct
UW_RS_MISSMATCH_PARENTH_NP – Tells you how many parenthesis are not matched
UW_RS_MISSMATCH_PARENTH_NEW_JV – Tells you which RQ’s are missing parenthesis
UW_RS_CEM_EVENING_BUT_BLOCK_KW – If not using student demand this query is not required
UW_RS_CEM_EVENING_BUT_FT_NP – If not using student demand this query is not required
UW_RS_CEM_ZERO_PRIORITY_BAD_KW – If not using student demand this query is not required
UW_RS_CEM_CAMP_NE_PCS_CAMP_NP – If not using student demand this query is not required
UW_RS_CEM_MODE_NE_PCS_MODE_NP – If not using student demand this query is not required
UW_RS_RSRV_CAP_COND_PROB_JV - Used only for sectioner, I’m not sure if it’s still an issue
UW_RS_RSRV_CAP_USING_NE_SB - Looks for RC's with NE condition operator - Sectioner query
UW_RS_RSRV_CAP_USING_NI_EG- Looks for RC's with NI condition operator - Sectioner Query
Ensure that scheduling has updated all reserve cap changes.
Run Course Anomaly Report:
Waterloo Student Admin → CEM → Process → Course Scheduling Anomaly Report
Run it for Graduate and Undergraduate
PCS Populate Demand process:
Waterloo Student Admin → CEM → Process → Populate Demand Tables
Reserve Capacity Assignment process:
Run it from GRD and UG (UG process takes a bit of time – 30 minutes)
Waterloo Student Admin → CEM → Process → Reserve Cap Assignment
The Reserve Cap Assignment looks at all reserves on a course and assigns any reserves they meet as a characteristic to students. If a student meets a reserve they get that characteristic assigned, if they meet more than one they get one assigned and the other is an alternate.
The component characteristics are assigned by looking at the individual component reserves/space but the students are assigned by looking at the entire course reserves/space.
There are 3 options that the component of a course falls into:
No reserves
Fully reserved
Partially reserved
Each scenario is handled differently for assigning characteristics to a component.
No Reserves – the component gets the characteristic of SPACE
Fully Reserved – the component gets the appropriate characteristic of the reserve (ECON10101004418). (The ECON1010 is the course code, the “1” is where it sits in the list of reserves and the 004418 is the requirement group number, which is what the reserve number is coded like.
Partially Reserved – the component gets the characteristic of each reserve as well as the SPACE characteristic.
Each scenario is handled differently for assigning the characteristics to a student as well
No Reserves – if there are NO reserves on any section the students all get a characteristic of SPACE. The result is that the students can be assigned to any section.
Fully Reserved - if the student meets ANY of the reserves on any section they get the characteristic (ECON10101004418) assigned and if they don’t meet ANY reserve they get no characteristic. If they meet more than one reserve they get one assigned and the other as assigned as an alternate. The result is that only the students that meet the reserves will be assigned to the appropriate components. All other students will be rejected.
Partially Reserved – if a student meets one or more reserve they are assigned the reserve (and the others as alternates). If they do not meet any of the reserves they are assigned SPACE. They are NOT assigned the alternate of SPACE, however. The result is that students that meet a reserve will ONLY be assigned to the components that have the reserve. Students that don’t meet the reserve can go to any section that has SPACE. This way we are ensuring that students that meet the reserves are going into the appropriate section. Example ECON 101 for the 1159 – we want all ARTBUS students to go into LEC 001. If there was an alternate to SPACE they could go into LEC 005.
Another significant point to keep in mind is that in the assigning process does NOT look at the capacity of the course or of the reserves. This means that if a course has a reserve with a capacity of 75 and 100 students meet that reserve, ALL of the students will be assigned to that section. Also, if a course has a capacity of 15 with no reserves and 50 request it all of the students will be assigned. The reason for this is because we want ALL students to influence the placement of the section because we don’t know which students will get it and which ones won’t.
File path is: /software/sa.sisp-1.0_prod/spool/outgoing/DCU/
Run the PS Job (UWTPINTT)
UWTPINEX = Timetabler Course Extract
UWTPINSE = timetabler extract setup - set up files
UWTPINST = Timetabler Extract Student - we don't use students - but it might contain programs
UWTPINCP - Timetabler extract conversion
When the Timetabler Extract process has completed, navigate to:
Q: > k2 > PROD > outgoing and move to the M drive “M:\Timetabler\Import“
Take a backup in current PROD version in Infosilem (Timetabler/Scheduling)
Once logged into Academic Suite select File → Import:
Select File Types: Space-delimited text file (TXT)
Keep in Infosilem Academic Suite records that do not exist in the source files (Do Not Delete) = Y
click next
Select the following files:
Components - Course Characteristics
Course Characteristics
Alternate Course Characteristics
Assigned Component Requests
Component Requests
Student Types
Students (*If not using student demand, then files with strikethrough are not required*)
Click on Next and Browse and point to DCU folder on desktop. Click on Set All and Same Folder as Selected then click Next.
Check the Report for any problems. If everything is ok, click on Next.
Check the reports
If there are errors on the report – take a screen shot then abort the download and fix the errors – these are usually coding errors (course numbers are mis-typed, or sections need to be created)