Timetabler - Adding Alternative Pavilions

Timetabler - Adding Alternative Pavilions

Adding Alternate Pavilions Overview:

This procedure provides steps for adding alternative pavilions within each department.

Alternative Pavilions are added in the Secondary Files.

Business Process

This process lets the system know where to look for room to place courses.

Infosilem Navigation

Secondary Files → Room Quality Rules… → Alternate Pavilion tab

Double Click on the ID you’re interested in editing
Click on the Alternate Pavilions tab in order to find the list of pavilions and alternate pavilions the department wants their courses placed.

Add pavilion preference in column 1 by entering in the pavilion.

For every building you add you need to add an alternate pavilion and weight it (100% meaning most preferred).  This allows the system to find rooms in nearby buildings or other buildings the course could be schedule if a room in their preferred area is not available. 

For every pavilion you add and the alternate pavilions, you need to flip what you have coded the opposite on the lines immediately following.  Then Save

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