Timetabler - Scheduling Ties

Timetabler - Scheduling Ties


This procedure provides steps for creating scheduling ties for Components and Deliveries. 

Ties are added in the Scheduling Ties tab.

  • Section tabs listed on the left hand navigation bar.

Business Process

This process lets ties be created between Components and Deliveries where the department has a specific coding in how courses are related and scheduled.

Infosilem Navigation

Scheduling Ties, Institution, Institute, Tie Constraints


Click on the Scheduling Tie tab located on the left navigation bar.

Adding a New Tie

Right click in the main screen to add new tie.


Create ID name by populating what you want the tie to be called in the ID section.

On the same screen as the ID name, fill out what you want the tie to include (ex. Same room where classes are to be put into the same room, courses need to be one after the other, courses need to be a day in between)

Use either the Component Ties or Delivery Ties tab to attach courses. 

Component ties
Delivery Ties

Attaching courses to the ties are done by right clicking in box to add new.  

To look up courses, left click once in the component field then hit F9 to look up, or use the three dots, or right click in the field and use the “Lookup…” function, or simply type in the course with topic number.  If you used the first three options then hit the filter button on the bottom right of box.  Look up course using the information you have.   Double click on course when found to populate other fields.   Repeat second column to find the course you want to tie with.

To enter the courses in the correct order, I read it as a story almost. the first column course then the tie constraint then the second column course. so in this above example it would be ACC 772 LEC 002 after Any ACC 772 LEC 001. Meaning LEC 002 will be scheduled right after any instance of LEC 001.

Example of Ties:

Courses only being within a certain amount of hours after each other     

Some departments request a course can only follow within a certain amount of time.  For example: anywhere between 0-96 hours, or 0-40 hours.   To do this, check the After box in the right side of the ID screen.   In Component Tie option, click “apply to all tie deliveries.”  Within the After box, check “after last occurrence.”  For Limit put minimum time as 0 and max time as the hour in which the department requested (example, anywhere between 0-96 – min time 0, max time 96).  Set Rule Type as Sequence or Interval. 

Day(s) In-between Last Occurrence      

ID screen, check “applies to all deliveries.”  Check After box.   Check “After last occurrence.”   Depending on how many days they want in between you put it as the limit.  For example one day in between set limit as minimum 2 days, max 2 days.   Set preference as at least 2 days.  Set Rule Type as Sequence or Interval. 

Up to a Certain Amount of Days In-between

This is for when departments request that certain courses or deliveries within courses can be scheduled from a certain day to another certain day.  For example ECON 101 TUT 101 should be schedule 1 to 3 days after LEC 001:  ID screen, check “applies to all deliveries.”  Check After box.   Check “After last occurrence.”   Depending on how many days they want in between you put it as the limit.  For example one day in between set limit as minimum 1 day, max 3 days.  Set preference as at least 1 day.  Set Rule Type as Sequence or Interval. 

At Least One Day Before 

For when a course or delivery within a course needs to be schedule at least one day before another course or delivery:  ID screen, check “applies to all deliveries.”  Check Before box.   Check “Before first occurrence.”   Set limit as minimum 1 day, max 3 days.  Set preference as at least 1 day.  Set Rule Type as Sequence or Interval. 

Back to Back, Same Room 

This tie is created for requests where they want components or deliveries within courses to be one after the other, within the same room:  ID screen, check “applies to all deliveries.”  Check Same Room box.  Check Before box.    Check “Before any occurrence.”  Set Rule Type as Sequence or Interval. 

Conflict free, Same room  

This is to put components and/or deliveries in the same room and to ensure that they are not scheduled at the same time:  ID screen, check “Applies to all deliveries.”  Check Same Room box.   Set Rule Type as Conflict Free.   


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