Timetabler - Creating a new testing Database

Timetabler - Creating a new testing Database

This is predominantly used when creating one for a training database, the full instructions for creating a new term data base can be found here: Academic Suite - Creating the Database - Part 1

If you’re trying to create a new database for a training/test database use this quick and dirty little one.

Log into the data base you want to copy to the training database

  • File → Database Tools 

  • Name it "DCU_training" 

  • Select "Copy database" 

  • Click "Create" 


In new database ("DCU_training") 

It matters when you take the copy, if you do it before you assign times and rooms you don't have to unassign everything. 

  • Tools → RollOver → Unassign 

  • This will let you unschedule pattern times/rooms and instructors. 

  • Tools → RollOver → Clear Notes 

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