Timetabler - Room Blockoffs

Timetabler - Room Blockoffs


This procedure provides steps for creating time requests for Room Blockoffs. 

Ties are added in the Rooms or Secondary Files tabs.

  • Section tabs listed on the left hand navigation bar. 

Business Process

This process lets specific times and/or days to be blocked off in rooms so that nothing is scheduled into them. 

Infosilem Navigation

Option A:  Rooms, Filter, Room, Blockoff Tab

Option B: Secondary Files, Blockoff Types, Room Blockoffs

Option A:  Rooms, Filter, Room, Blockoff Tab (this is for when blockoffs are already created)

Go to the Rooms tab located on the left hand navigation bar. 

By sorting by building and room, then start typing the building and that should bring you to the pavilion you want or by using the filter on the bottom right hand – search by room or building

Key in the room or building number that you want and hit enter to find.

Adding the blockoff

Open the room by double clicking

Go to blockoffs tab and right click to attach

Find Blockoff time 

Find the times where you want to block off the room from having a course being scheduled in it.

Highlight blockoff times, then hit enter, or double click on the block off.  This will automatically generate the time in the blockoff tab.


Option B: Secondary Files, Blockoff Types, Room Blockoffs (when you need to create a blockoff)

Creating a new blockoff  

To create a new blockoff you need to start by going into the Secondary Files tab located in the left navigation bar.

Click on Blockoff type under the Institute list.  This will generate a list of blockoffs in the main screen. Click on a Room Blockoff to populate the main screen.

Add Blockoff   

To create a new blockoff, go into the blockoff tab and right click to add new.

Name Blockoff   

In the main tab, fill out the ID by naming it the time and day you would like your blockoff to be (ex. *Tuesdays 9-6:30)

Go into the time tab and indicate when you want the blockoff.  If it is only the first three weeks of term, in the date section put in the date range you want the room blocked off.  If it is the whole term, put the first day of classes and the last day of classes.  Then in duration, put in the amount of hours the block off is for, then which day of the week, then the start time.  The end time will automatically generate when you save. 

Adding rooms to blockoff

Go into the rooms tab and right click – go to attach

Find room either by building or room number

Once you have found the room(s) you want, highlight then press enter.  This will generate the room in the blockoff.


Modify Blockoffs 

If there is a similar blockoff (for example on that is a half hour more or less) you can simply copy and paste the blockoff, then modify it.  This is a faster process than creating a blockoff from scratch.

Copy a blockoff

Paste by right clicking anywhere.  A box will pop up.  Say yes.  It will take you into the blockoff to modify it.

Modify the ID name on the main tab.

Modify time

Add rooms

Save after the rooms have been chosen


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