Timetabler - Instructor constraints

Timetabler - Instructor constraints


This procedure provides steps putting on constraints to an instructor..

Adding constraints can either be done through the Professor or Academic Blocks.

  • Section tabs listed on the left hand navigation bar. 

Business Process

This process allows the system to know when an instructor is available to have their course scheduled.

Infosilem Navigation

Option A:  Professors, Instructor, Blockoffs

Option B:  Secondary Files, Blockoff Types, Professor, Blockoffs, Professors  


Option A:  Professors, Instructor, Blockoffs

 Click on the Professor tab of the left hand navigation bar



Find the instructor by clicking on any name on the list of names next to the navigation bar.  Then down at the bottom right click on the filter, search by surname. Or simply start typing the instructor last name and it will take you to that instructor.

Open Instructor Profile by double clicking on the desired instructor



Go to Blockoffs tab and right click to attach constraint

Search for constraint.  Double click on the constraint you want attached. Constraint will attach to instructors profile.


Option B:  Secondary Files, Blockoff Types, Level 1, 2, 3, or Teaching Windows, Blockoffs, Professors 

When a constraint has not been created yet to add to an instructor’s profile, you need to create it by first going to the Secondary Files tab. Click on Blockoff Types, then under one of the appropriate blockoff types



Open the blockoff type by double clicking


Go to the blockoff tab, right click to add new.

Fill out the information by adding the name of the constraint on the first tab.  Then in the Time tab input the information of day and time.

Note: The start and end time have to match if putting in more than one day a week.


In the Professor tab, right click and hit attach.  Look up instructor using the filter.  Use surname, find instructor, left click, then press enter.  Instructor will automatically attach.


You can also modify another constraint that is similar by copying and pasting, and then opening it and modifying the name and time tab.  Add the instructor the same way in the Professor tab.








Instructor constraints available for the reps in the DCU are:

·       No Back To Back Classes

·       No Research Days Required (available 5 days/week)

·       Teaching Window - 8:30 - 4:00  ** (select max of ONE window per Instructor) **

·       Teaching Window - 9:00 - 4:30

·       Teaching Window - 10:00 - 5:30

·       Teaching Window - All day (8:30 - 5:30)


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