Academic Suite - logging in

Academic Suite - logging in

orHow to log in to timetabler or Manager through the vdiapps pages.

First go to:

Infosilem - Academic Suite

Domain user name is nexus\username, password is your regular WatIAM one

once you’ve logged in:

Select the Infosilem Administration folder (you might not have as many options as this screen shot - that’s okay!)
Select Timetabler, or Manager (you might not have the manager icon - that’s okay too!)

once selected the remote desktop will download, you can either find it by navigating to the downloads folder in your file explorer or here:

Select the .rdp file
This might come up, select connect, or select the “don’t ask me again” then select
enter in your WatIAM password again
If logging into Timetabler: your user name is just your regular username without the uwaterloo.ca the password however is a different ball game. Select the correct database you are trying to log into

If you don’t know what the password is, please reach out to Elysia Gallinaro - she likely knows!


If logging into the manager still same user name and password situation as above (WatIAM)
The manager password isn’t unique to each user, you have the password, or you don’t. If you don’t, and you need it, ask Elysia, or Alice - I think some people have it on the IST team too…ask around I’m sure you can find it!


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