Timetabler - My Views

Timetabler - My Views

My Views are queries that are built within Timetabler, when building a new My View you should always be logged in as the Super user.

Log in to the database for Academic Suite and open up Timetabler log in as your own username.

Click on “My Views” along the left-hand column (heads up you might not have folders listed – those appear once the “My View” is added – The folder location and categorizing is done at the time of creating a new my view) 

In the white blank space right click and select “Import View” 

Navigate to “C:\Infosilem\AcademicSuite\14.1\Transfer\My Views” 

Select the My View you’re looking for, then select Open 

Ta-da! Added! 

Do it again for all my views that need to be added.

Editing My views

You can double click on the little picture (the one with the key) make sure you're the owner or signed in as the owner. And if adding new my view sign in as Super 


And that opens this: 

Expand on the fields and either select, or deselect the fields you are changing

You can edit the fields from here. To reorder the fields you can click and drag on the columns on the my view (not within the box that has popped up) once it's in the order you want it displayed, and showing all the information you want displayed. Make sure it's being shared (that's under the "General Information" tab of the pop up box) 

check the box on to share it with all users (this is the DCU users), leaving it unchecked will still make it available for the rest of scheduling staff

 Click "Apply" and "OK" 

 Export it – by right clicking on the little picture then choosing export and save it "C:\Infosilem\AcademicSuite\14.1\Transfer\My Views" under the existing name. 

If it has been shared to all users and it’s being made available for all scheduling reps, then in DCU admin (web browser) under Reports → My Views the shared report can be moved from the left to the right columns: 

Ensure it has worked by logging into the DCU as a user. 

Tips for My Views:

When filtering for the Delivery Method on any of the MyViews, you can’t use the actual name of the delivery method “Asynchronous Online” instead use 1 = In class; 2 = Synchronous online; 3= Asynchronous online.


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