QUEST - When we have time queries

QUEST - When we have time queries

This is a list of the queries that can be run at anytime, or for checking that are just good to keep on top of.

Schedule of Classes (run to Excel) – UW_RS_SCH_SCHEDULEOFCLASSES_SB

Look for 701's scheduled as session 1 instead of PCS. Look for enrolment capacities of zero. Check that the Admin code (10000010) is attached to only CEL sections.

PCS section information (run to Excel) – UW_RS_SCH_PCS_SYNCHRO_CHK_SB

things to check – capacity (should always be 9999), and section numbers should match associated class numbers

Primary component not graded component - UW_RS_SCH_CMPNT_MISMATCH_LW

This query is run usually just after prior term copy where the primary component isn’t the graded component. But it can be run at any time, this is fixed in the Adjust Class Associations

the issue
All Fixed!

All the reserves attached to courses for the specific term (run to Excel) - UW_RS_SCH_RSRV_FOR_INACTV_SB

This query spits out all the courses that are scheduled for the term whether it has reserves or not. It’s good to take a peek and make sure the reserve dates that are attached to the courses with reserves are still active, UNLESS enrollment has already started for the term and the reserves have been requested to become inactive.

Topics missing from secondary components - UW_RS_CEM_TOPICS_W_SEC_COMP_KW

The query is spitting out all sections that are missing a topic but that the other sections have topics. In the following example ARTS 140 sections 001-026 all have a topic attached, but section 027 is missing it’s topic. This typically is an issue just before section if a “real” section has a topic and the PCS section is missing it. It’s corrected in the Maintain Schedule of Classes page in Quest.

An example of a result
Topic now filled in with a “To be announced” topic name

If a TBA topic doesn’t exist you can send it to sarecord@uwaterloo.ca and ask to have them create one.

Reserve Cap Duplicates - UW_RS_SCH_MULTI_RSRV_CAP_NP

This looks for multiple reserves that are entered under the one reserve capacity Sequence

An example of a result
What it looks like in the Maintain Schedule of Classes panel

Reserves should be on separate sequence numbers, to fix it, simply add a new sequence number row and put the reserve there:

Blank Reserve Caps - UW_RS_SCH_BLANK_RSRV_CAP_NP

We typically have no results here as it’s looking for a reserve that has not been removed correctly, but Quest gives an error what that happens. however IF you do get a result it would be fixed on the maintain Schedule of Classes page, under Reserve Cap tab, then you would delete it fully.

Fixing mismatched class components - UW_RS_SCH_MISSING_COMPONENT_JV

The prompts the “First Day of Term” should always be the first day of the first month of that term
An example of the results

The extra components get added automatically when we add new sections to the schedule of classes, and all the components that exist in the catalog get added when we add a new section. To remove the extra components go to the Adjust Class Associations, then the Class components tab

go to the correct section and remove (delete) the component that isn’t scheduled

Find secondary/tertiary etc. components attached to PCS to clean them on the Class Associations panel in Quest - UW_RS_PCS_COMP_NOT_REMOV_JV

this does the same as the above query, except it’s looking for only the PCS sections, and can be fixed in the same way as above.

Run after the above 2 queries to re-add any that were accidentally removed - UW_RS_SCH_COMP_NOT_ASS_CLS_JV

This query is looking for the components that were removed by mistake, but are actually scheduled. Fix it by heading to the Adjust Class Associations panel and add the component that is scheduled, and remove the one that isn’t.

Fixing Auto Enrol with no secondary component - UW_RS_SCH_AUTO_NO_AUTO_ENRL_NP

This query is looking for a primary course that has an auto enroll but the secondary component has been removed.

this is a good example, where things are working as they should

To fix it remove the related number from the Maintain Schedule of Classes panel.

Fixing reserve capacity sequence orders - UW_RS_RESERVE_CAP_ORDER_NP

The query is looking for reserve caps that are in the incorrect order.

Check Combined section totals to ensure they match - UW_RS_SCTN_CMBN_TOTALS_SB

Run this query to Excel then create new column and add formula (=EXACT(F3,G3). those number changed based on what row you’re starting on

Searches for instructors that have been made “Inactive” but were left on as “Available” and have been attached to a course after they have been inactivated - UW_SCH_INSTR_INAC_W_CRSE_TG

The fix is to extend the effective date for their inactivation, and to then change the Instructor Available from “Available” to “Unavailable” Navigation: Curriculum Management → Instructor/Advisor information → Instructor/Advisor Table

Searches for a list of instructors that have been set to “Inactive” and are still “Available” - UW_SCH_CHK_INSTR_INAC_AVAILABL

This causes troubles when the instructor has been inactivated but scheduling can add the instructor and doesn’t know that they have been inactivated – it can be fixed by changing the Instructor Available to “Unavailable”

what the results look like

The changes are made in the Instructor advisor tables: Curriculum Management → Instructor/Advisor information → Instructor/Advisor Table

The Status is Inactive, but Instructor Available is still available

To find instructors attached to courses that are not in their approved subject lists in the instructor/advisor table - UW_RS_SCH_NO_SUBJ_INSTR_TBL_NP

This is looking for instructors that have been attached to a course (usually through a held with course) but they don’t have the Acad Org or Subject Area. Navigation: Curriculum Management → Instructor/Advisor information → Instructor/Advisor Table.

Add a new row with the effective date of the first day of the term you’re currently in. So if the instructor is teaching the Winter term, but you’re adding this in the Fall term, you would have a date of September 1st. This way the instructor has full access to their courses and LEARN before the course starts.

The results from the query
Add a new row and add the acad org and subject

“Check for Facility Conflict” unchecked in error - UW_RS_SCH_FAC_NO_CNFL_SB

Find any rooms that have “Check for Facility Conflict” unchecked in error (should always be checked on) in the Facility Table. The Online room should have “Check for Facility Conflict” checked off.  

The expected result of only the Online room

If you get a result, head to the facility table: Set Up SACR → Foundation Tables → Facilities → Facility Table

Set Up ID should always be UWATR
An RO Managed room will have both General Assignment and Check for Facility Conflict check on.
Departmental/non-registrar' office managed rooms will only have the check for Facility Conflict checked on

If when you enter in the facility table the room has the Check for facility Conflict checked off, check it on, and save it.

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