Instructors with 1900 birthdates

Instructors with 1900 birthdates

Background: once upon a time we had the access to know the birthyear for incoming instructors, then we didn’t, and now we do again.

During the time that we weren’t allowed to know the birthyear, we were still able to have the birth month and day, SO what was decided when adding a new instructor/person to Quest was to add the day, month, and then the birthyear of 1900. Now that we have access to the birthyear again, we have a big list of instructors that have aa normal birthday except with a year of 1900, we are trying to clean that up.

This query was created to output all the instructors with the 1900 birthyear


We then want to run this query by searching for their last name:




The original spreadsheet that was run is here:


The ideal outcome is when run this query:


Then we can then accurately find the instructors if they already were added previously.