Course Combination Observations

Course Combination Observations

This is quick little guide of common things that reps code that should be looked into.

number of courses in the combination?

if less than 5 its ok


more than 5 - look into it further to ensure the number of courses in a single block is not unnecessarily large

who submitted and what courses are in it?

keep an eye out for a department who is submitting courses into a combination that do not make any sense

determine what type of CC it should be and code accordingly (To spread things out or for actual group of students?)

look at each section of each course  for any reserves present on the SOC.  Look at multiple primary sections as well as multiple secondary sections.

for actual groups of students

if any of the courses has a reserve that the students the CC is representing fit into, then we need to change the type to actual group of students or if there are multiple sections and the number of students would require more than one section to meet the need, then change type to actual group of students and save.  If there is one section of any of the courses in the CC that has a reserve on for the intended group of students and the other primary sections have no reserve on - this is also an instance to change the CC to for actual groups of students. do not mark actual group of student CC's as done using the marker

 to spread things out:

the student count speaks to the number of sections that the block builder will need to make conflict-free. Need to adjust the student count value to reflect the number of sections the block builder should include. Compare the student count given to the SOC section caps to ensure the SOC values are high enough to meet the student count. Ex: if each course in a course combination is multi-section and each section of each course meets the student count reported and no reserves are on the course - change the cap to 1 and save.

always remove section numbers if specified in the course combination 


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