Quest - Before data is moved into Academic Suite

Quest - Before data is moved into Academic Suite

A number of queries in Quest are run in order to ensure that the courses we are transferring over have good information.

Log into Quest and in Query viewer run the following queries:

Look for 701's scheduled as session 1. Look for enrol caps of zero. Look for times/rooms/prof names entered in error. Check for the Admin code attached to only CEL sections UW_RS_SCH_SCHEDULEOFCLASSES_SB

Primary component not graded component  UW_RS_SCH_CMPNT_MISMATCH_LW

Fix reserve capacity sequence orders UW_RS_RESERVE_CAP_ORDER_NP

Topics missing from secondary components UW_RS_CEM_TOPICS_W_SEC_COMP_KW

Reserve Cap Duplicates UW_RS_SCH_MULTI_RSRV_CAP_NP


Fixing Auto Enrol with no secondary component UW_RS_SCH_AUTO_NO_AUTO_ENRL_NP

Pre-enrollment sections but no real sections UW_RS_PCS_BUT_NO_REAL_SB

Fixing mismatched class components UW_RS_SCH_MISSING_COMPONENT_JV

Run after above query to re-add any that were accidentally removed UW_RS_SCH_COMP_NOT_ASS_CLS_JV

Check combined section total to ensure they match (create column add add formula =EXACT(F3,G3) UW_RS_SCTN_CMBN_TOTALS_SB

Manually scroll through list and ensure that for the subject the Acad Org and Group are the same through the list – if different contact catalog person in either Grad or UG to have them fix it - UW_RS_CATLG_ORGS_GROUPS_NP

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