Timetabler - Upload Procedure to Quest and Campus

Timetabler - Upload Procedure to Quest and Campus

After the schedule has been created and the reps have had time to make any last minutes edits this is the process and procedure to move the course information from Timetabler to Quest.

Quest Work:

Run these queries for course clean-ups:

  • Compare differences between real sections/topic # appearing in Quest and those appearing in Timetabler (The excel that you’ll get from Quest you’ll need to concatenate the subject||Catalog_NBR||topic ID to get them the same as the courses from Timetabler) From Timetabler you’ll just go to the courses level in Timetabler, and simply pull the list of courses directly from there. Need to remove duplicates and sort then do an EXACT function in Excel [example: =EXACT(A2,B2)] (UW_RS_SCH_CRSES_OFFRD_SB)

  • Compare scheduling groups from timetable (HWDR and HELD) to Quest and ensure they match and we aren’t missing one from each side. Grab a list of the component heldwiths from Timetabler paste it into excel, and run this query: UW_RS_SCTN_CMBN_TOTALS_SB in Quest and use “=EXACT” to find the odd ones out. 

  • Finding who enrolled students into real sections before all the course information has been uploaded so they can remove the students (excludes COOP/WKRPT) (UW_RS_SCH_REAL_ENRL_CHECK_JV)

Run queries to ensure that all the necessary tables are blank:




Infosilem Work:

Once the task document work has been finished and a back up has been taken then you can start the upload.

Navigate File → Export



Target Type: Space-delimited Text file (TXT)

ACCDB staging file path: C:\Infosilem\AcademicSuite\15.0\Transfer\Timetabler\Export\Target\TimetablerExport.accdb

Recurring Export Options:

Delete previously exported data, in the target, prior to exporting = Y

Populate the change indicator flags (DIFF_FLAG) =Y

Export Data Selection:

select tables = Y

Select the required 7 files

  • Deliveries

  • Delivery Times

  • Location Specifications

  • Location Specs – Room Characteristics

  • Pattern Requests

  • Professors – Deliveries

  • Timetable

Click on export. When export is complete view report to ensure there are no errors then click Close. Not looking for specific numbers in the report, just making sure there’s information and results.


Navigate to “M:\Timetabler\Export\Target”

Select the 7 files and copy to:

Q:\k2-up\prod\incoming (if testing move to *Q:\oz-up\qa\incoming* tentative path may change and changes for each instance. Heads up the files will disappear and be transferred into the cloud…but then you can view what’s been uploaded in Q:\ozark\qa\incoming (back on premises) so if you have to make changes to the .txt files make them there BUT you have to move it back into Q:\oz-up\dev\incoming for it to go back into the cloud – which is where the upload is pulling from *like a triangle*) Can also check it in Quest → Waterloo Students Admin → Utilities → Inquire → Cloud Sync Utilities

Do this all within the VDI so it makes the file transfer faster.

The files are:

  • deliv

  • delivtimes

  • lochar

  • locspec

  • profdel

  • timereq

  • timeroom

Quest Work:

In Quest sign in as SCHDPROC and navigate to Waterloo Student Admin → Scheduling → Processes → Schedule of Class Upload

              Run control is: schdproc

Input the term you’re uploading (File path: /software/sa.sisp-1.0_prod/spool/incoming/) IF TESTING (/software/sa.sisp-1.0_dev/spool/incoming/

Click Run

Select: Files from Infosilem to PS (PSJob) (UWTPINDC)

Click OK

Process names and functions:

  • IWTPINC2, is the conversion of files from Infosilem to PeopleSoft

  • UWTPINRN - populating the temp tables (SOC temp files)

    • If this gets an error: click on View Log/Trace then the .out file (scroll to bottom) turns out there were still TBA instr attached.

  • UWTPINUP - this is the Peoplesoft tables being populated (Class tbl)

    • If this is successful don't rerun this process

  • UWTPINTT - populating temp tables from Infosilem

    • If you get errors here, see below

  • UWTPINTD - what carries forward for next like term to DCU

    • If you get errors on the last 2 parts of the process (UWTPINTT or UWTPINTD) run these queries (UW_RS_UW_STEP_DELIV_DUPS_NP & UW_RS_UW_STEP_LOCHAR_DUPS_NP to look for duplicates in the DCU tables)

    • If you get results in the queries remove duplicates from the 7 text files (on the Q drive and the R drive). Once corrected, rerun first part of the process (UWTPINC2), then the last 2 parts of the process (UWTPINTT, then UWTPINTD)

K:\sisp\Infosilem-downloads\EnCampusSuite10_1_0\Documentation\English\Timetabler this is the Timetabler user guide for the current version (transfer Specifications will tell what each column means).

*If you ever need to modify a .txt file, do it from your own desktop – Need to use ultra edit (or text editor) *

Infosilem Work:

Look for deliveries that have term dates that are not the default start and end dates. These dates will not be transferred to Quest so they have to be manually changed in Quest.  Also look for courses with dates outside the session dates and correct in Quest

Quest Work:

Run Queries to ensure there’s no bad data in Quest:



    • start time is greater than end time (times are messed up!)


    • for this query you will have to manually look to see if there are mismatched start dates or end dates to know if there are different dates



Let Isaac Morland know that the schedule of classes has been updated

Campus Work:


Log into the Campus Admin with your own account

Add term:

o   Management → Academic Calendar → Academic Terms

Make sure holidays are updated, this is found in the Campus Admin

  • Management → Academic Calendar → Holidays

Christmas and New Years should have the “Institution is closed…” checked on

Add all the necessary holidays:

Once they are created, you should attach the holidays to the delivery exception records.

Make sure they are entered into Campus before the upload into Campus

o   Management → Academic Calendar → Delivery Exception Records

Quest Work:

Sign in as SCHDPROC then navigate to:

o   Waterloo Student Admin → Scheduling → Processes → Infosilem Enterprise Synch

Use run control Enterprise_Next

Enter the term you are updating

The process will probably run to no success because it times out – that’s to be expected, you can run it again, and it will run to success - because the first failed run is technically successful...so the second one is simply going “oh is there anything different from what was just ran? No, then success!” But it’ll make you feel better and doesn’t hurt anything running it a second time!

Campus Work:

Check the rejects and conflicts in Campus web

Quest Work:

By using this Jira (Records Support - Quest), have the systems team to change the term on the run controls while logged in as sarecord “Enterprise_Next“, “Enterprise_Current” and “Enterprise_Past” accordingly

              Waterloo Student Admin → Scheduling → Processes → Infosilem Enterprise Synch

The run controls get updated as the process still gets run to Enterprise, we need to updated them. _Current and _Next gets run every night, _Past gets run once a week

Portal Work:

In Campus Administration add the new term, and change the past reservations date (put it 4 months ahead)


Quest Work:

To find instructors attached to courses that are not in their approved subject lists in the instructor/advisor table (their teachables) UW_RS_SCH_NO_SUBJ_INSTR_TBL_NP

To find instructors that were added to only one side of the held with, manually scroll through the list and ensure that each of the held with courses have the same instructors attached: UW_SCH_MISMATCH_DELIV

To ensure that the correct flags are checked on for REG rooms - all facility ID’s (except ONLINE room) is checked on, and only RO rooms are checked on for general assignment. UW_RS_SCH_FAC_NO_CNFL_SB

  • Waterloo Student Admin → Scheduling → Setup → Infosilem Ent Sync Setup

    • Never change the Scroll Area unless you’re told to


  • Waterloo Student Admin → CEM → Setup → Text File Columns

    • You should only have to make changes to these files if there has been an upgrade to the Infosilem side of things

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