Campus - LDAP settings

Campus - LDAP settings

The LDAP settings are found within Campus Admin, you should be logged in as Super when making changes.

The LDAP integration settings are found under Admin, then LDAP settings

5 records

LDAP connections


LDAP connections


Nexus (Faculty)

Infosilem LDAP Pref Names Synch, pulling from HR’s faculty definition, no roles are attached

Nexus (grouper-dept-registrar-infosilem-users)

This grouper gives access to non fulltime staff members. They have a portal view only role. Managed by Records Systems Team

Nexus (grouper-Watrooms-selfservice-ROADMIN)

This grouper gives access to RO staff who need to book desk space through WatRooms - managed by ROAdmin staff. They have self service role through portal. Self Service has been removed as of Dec. 9, 2024.

Nexus (HR Staff)

This group pulls from HR’s definition of full time staff, They have a portal view only role.

When setting up a new LDAP connection start with the first tab and work through each one.

General Information:

ID is the name - currently we use Nexus (group type)

Connection Settings:

The filter should be different for each group (logically!)

Binding (HR Staff, grouper-dept-registrar-infosilem-users):

they both have the same attributes
The same Default or unit of PRO (Portal Read only)
the Portal View Only role is attached, no Room Administration Units, and the PVO as the Functional units, PVO = Portal view only
nothing is attached for the scheduling resource type

Binding (grouper-Watrooms-selfservice-ROADMIN):

same attributes as HR Staff and grouper-dept-registrar-infosilem-users
RO staff have the Org of PR (Portal Requests)
The role is “Portal” it’s the self service role
nothing is attached for the scheduling resource type

Binding (Faculty):

Faculty display as their friendly name to capture any preferred name updates.
Faculty aren’t given a default organization, since it would come in from Quest.
no roles are currently attached to a faculty account
nothing is attached for the scheduling resource type