Campus - Running the Space Utilization Report

Campus - Running the Space Utilization Report

This is run automatically once per term on the second Monday a month after the term has started to capture the room utilization for the term. It’s run twice, once for the Registrar managed spaces, and once for the AFIW managed spaces. We must update the term before the report is scheduled to run.

Listed below is the set up and creation of the space utilization report is anything needs to be adjusted or added to them.

Log into Campus

The Reports 

The report is under Business Intelligence -> Space Utilization 


The Filters

Change the term as desired.



Event Types

Filter Results and Report Viewer

The Filter results can be used to select only the data that you’d like displayed, we apply no changes or filters to this specific report as we want all courses that are in listed in the spaces, but this is handy in report where you might not want a room block off being used in your data for say a make up day.


The report viewer shows the data in three different ways. List, Matrix, and PDF. The images are shown below, the one that we will be saving and sending out to the Provost (not directly of courses – we’re not that big time…) is the PDF view. Once there, change the “Page Setup” from portrait to landscape






  • Currently the PDF report is showing “0” or “1”’s above all the rows – this is a bug and we have been told will only be fixed when we upgrade to Campus 23. Not the coolest. As a work around, if on the “options” page uncheck the “Show Value Labels” this removes them temporarily.


Once it has been run in landscape to pdf, select “Export to PDF” and save it locally to your downloads folder, then move it to the Teams site for Scheduling and Examinations under “Data Analysis” then “Space Utilization Reports”

The report is currently set to run automatically for each term on the second Monday every 4 months and sent to Jennifer Coughlin directly. We must update the term before this is run, this is done using the filters as shown above.

Select Scheduled Reports under Tools

then select the report you updating the information for:


Then select the “Edit” button
You can change the frequency of the report - this is only two months because of when I set this up, it should be every 4, update screen shot once we are on a regular schedule
The email content
The Recipients of the report
How the report will appear to the recipients

The Predefined Range Sets

These are the set up range sets that are behind the scenes for the reports. If anything needs to be changed or added, the following are directions on how they can be updated.

One way the set up ranges for the times and room capacities can be changed or edited is by clicking on “Manage Space Utilization Reports”, then choosing one of the reports:

Then select “Options” and you can select either one of the tables to edit your values

To change the values on either setup table simply click the “Edit” button once you have found the correct table and then make the changes required.

Another way to access these values is by selecting the “Settings” menu under “Business Intelligence”

Under either Space Area Range, or Time Range will hold the tables that can be changed.

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