Campus & Quest - Updating a building name

Campus & Quest - Updating a building name

The intended purpose of this procedure is to outline how to update a building name in Quest and Campus and all the units to co-ordinate with.

The order of events: 

This is a coordinated effort between the Space Planning office, Scheduling, ITMS, IST and Systems. ITMS and the Space office should be informed of the change happening, so that Archibus, the ITMS website for characteristics, and the Space office’s SDCI (space data collection interface) web interface can all be updated at the same time.  

IST should be notified the day the changes are made so that you can test trying to bring in the rooms to the test Campus instance to discover what the new ORG unit will be to avoid any complications the next day in production. 

Currently, IST owns the Space SDCI web form, Elysia Gallinaro & John Rogerson have been added as an Admin and can add a room/building/people. The navigation is found here: https://spaceplanning.private.uwaterloo.ca/admin/  

The systems team will update the building name within Quest, the scheduling team will update the facility tables within Quest.  

ITMS should be informed of the change via their email address: eclass@uwaterloo.ca. Once Archibus has changed the building name, or way finding code, an overnight process will add the building and rooms to Campus. Once the building name has been imported to Campus, the ITMS, SDCI, and Quest should be updated that day as well.  

Campus Admin side: 

This is an optional step – depending on whether it is changing the campus as well. Example: AHS becoming EXP all the rooms came in correctly as the UW campus did not change. STP however is its own campus – that needed to be changed to the new name (UTD) before the rooms would come in. 

Manually add the campus of UTD – then add the building of UTD as well.  

If you’ve tried to push it to test then you know the new “org unit” name and that can be added under “Management’ then “Organizational Units” it’ll now depend if it’s under the Academic or Ancillary for UTD it was under academic unit of STP then under the “Organizational Sub-units” a new one was created there. 



 Quest side: 

Adding the new building with an effective date of the first day of the term it is to be active.  The records system take care of the building tables.


Then updating the facility tables with a new row and renaming the descriptions from old building to new building with an effective date of the first day of the term it is to be active. 


Campus side: 

In the Campus Admin a new pavilion must be manually created once the rooms and building had been created in Campus. Pavilions are very scheduling specific, and they do not get pulled in from Archibus, since Archibus does not have “Pavilions”.  The pavilion was added under “Management” then “Institutional Space” and “Pavilions”  



Select the plus button at the top

Enter in the “ID”, which is the new wayfinding code for the building, and the “Description”.  

Manually attach the rooms to the newly created Pavilion. Again right click, then select “Attach”  or select the plus button at the top


 Filter the giant list of rooms that comes up to find the ones you are looking for then click the “OK” button.  


Once Attached to the Pavilion, find any rooms that are registrar managed and attach the additional pavilion of “Registrar Rooms” by selecting the plus button under Pavilions on the room, then selecting “OK” and attaching the pavilion directly within the room. 


Find the rooms that are “Used for Scheduling” and “Used in Infosilem Timetabler” both of those flags needed to be checked on, again this is done within the rooms directly.  


They all needed to have the Room Administration Patterns attached if they are going to be “Used for Scheduling” and “Used in Infosilem Timetabler”, rooms that aren’t managed by the registrar’s office will have the Administration Pattern of “Course” attached, and rooms that are managed by the Registrar’s office will have the Administration Pattern of “Shared” attached. To add the Room Administration Pattern, select the plus button and select the room administration pattern in the drop down. This window will pop up: 


Select the Room Administration Pattern that is appropriate for the room and select “OK”. The “Portal Settings” should be set to PVO for any rooms that are going to be “Used for Scheduling” and “Used in Infosilem Timetabler”, and any notes can also be entered under the “Notes” tab in the room. The new rooms are now set up in Campus Admin.  

Quest Work: 

If courses are already scheduled into the rooms for the next term log into Quest as SCHDPROC and run the Enterprise Sync process. If there’s nothing booked in the rooms for the upcoming term this step is not necessary. The pathway is:  

Waterloo Student Admin → Scheduling → Processes → Infosilem Enterprise Synch 

The Run Control is “Enterprise_Next” 

Campus web work:  

In the web version of Campus there now will exist two active rooms that can be booked into, so two bookings need to be created to avoid confusion, and accidentally booking events into the mirrored room creating accidental conflicts. In the example of AHS becoming EXP a booking was created that went on EXP 1689 from the date of its creation until April 30th, 2022. And another one on AHS 1689 from May 1st-August 31st 2022 to block any of us from booking into the incorrect space. This has to be done before you inactivate the rooms in the Admin client, otherwise you can’t book the inactivated room. 

Campus Admin work:  

Logging back into the Admin after the synch process has been run (if it was needed to be run) the “old” rooms should be inactivated with an effective date. Using the AHS to EXP building change over as an example the AHS rooms were all inactivated on the same day the EXP rooms become active in Quest. May 1st, 2022 was chosen for that date. To inactivate the rooms find the rooms within the Campus Admin client and change the final effective date to the desired date.  


You should now be done with the Campus admin application. 

You’ve now done it and good job! 

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