Timetabler - Conflict free Academic blocks

Timetabler - Conflict free Academic blocks


This procedure provides steps to ensure components are not held at the same time

Coding courses as conflict free can either be done through the Faculty tab or the Section tabs listed on the left hand navigation bar. 


 Faculty, Department, Academic Blocks

Department Tab

To code a conflict free Academic Block, you need to start with the Department tab located in the left navigation bar. 

Find Department/Academic Block

When searching for the department you need to find, check in their faculty first – ex. ENGL department is located in the ARTS faculty list.   From there you go into Academic Blocks. 


Adding new blocks

In the main screen on the right, right click to add new block.

General Information tab 

Once you have the block box pop up, fill out the General tab with the description information of what the block is called, block size (ex. 50), and type (ex. To spread things out)

Adding courses 

Go into the components tab and right click.  Then click on attach. 


Find components 

Using the filter button on the bottom right, click, then using the scroll down section furthest from the filter go to courses, then next to there put in the course you are looking for (ex. ENGL), or simply select the top course and start typing the course and it will take you to the course you’re seeking.

Attach courses 

Highlight the components you want to not conflict with each other by holding down Ctrl then left click with the mouse until you have highlighted all the courses you want to include.  Then press ‘Ctrl + S’.  They will automatically generate in the Components tab in the Academic Block. 


Save by pressing ‘Ctrl + S’. 

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