Comms Project Sync Up - 11/3/2022
Keyon Jerome
Yuchen Lin
Austin Huang
Problems with Current Comms System
Cannot reliably enter the Agile OS on multiple attempts
Cannot enable POE on router - this is required for all further comms systems
Why do we have 6 receiver antennae?
There is probably some justification (aka transferring certain types of data over different antennae)
Do 6 antennae strengthen the signal?
Are the receiver antennae used for specific ranges?
Lots of redundancy?
How much data do we expect to transmit over the comms system (average and peak)
What are the battery requirements for the rover antennae?
Battery needs to last an hour and a half max over a mission; do we need idle, high speed data transfer modes?
It appears we have stronger antennae in the bay - why are we not using these?
Base station is very large and very heavy → 20 min to set up
Center of mass and spacing isn’t really proper
More than one person is required to set up the base station (ideally one person required)
What is the feasibility of streaming video over long distance and long range?
Omni directional antennae vs active tracking system to address line of sight issues
When we are out of line of sight
How can we connect an operators control system to a base station? Long ethernet?
A lot of teams use multiple frequencies bands depending on their distance from the base station
Why can’t we just use one band? It is recommended to use two from competition rules, but we should see why first.
Do we need a network, can we use P2P?
Potential Development Paths Forwards
1km wifi extender plus router
Buy OTS 1km ethernet router (relatively cheap) and new extender
Supports 2.4 and 5Ghz bands
Is a competition viable solution (potentially)
Unknown if other teams use this
Scope of Comms Project in the Short Term (Rest of this Semester)
Purchase new routers (2x) and wifi extenders
Try simple solution above
test only with 2.4 GHz 900 Mhz bands
Investigate wifi bridge
Scope of Comms Project
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